Friday, September 28, 2018

R-Lipoic Acid - A Panacea For Health & Anti-Aging?

R-Lipoic Acid:  A Panacea For Health & Anti-Aging?

R-Lipoic Acid is a form of Lipoic Acid. Lipoic Acid has three forms that you can buy:

R-lipoiC (the form the body produces and is found in nature)
S-Lipoic (the form created in manufacturing Lipoic Acid)
Racemic Lipoic Acid (a combination of R & S).

R Lipoic is also referred to as the "natural form," while S is considered the "Unnatural form."

While these two forms are "mirror" images of each other if you look at their molecules. They actually have different effects inside the body. Both forms are anti-oxidants. However, R-Lipoic Acid is apparently the form that possesses all the magic that alpha lipoic acid has.

S-lipoic acid has some of the beneficial properties.  It is an anti-oxidant and when mixed with R-Lipoic Acid seems to increase R-lipoic's bio-availability.   But, S-lipoic Acid does not activate many of the enzymes that R-Lipoic Acid does AND it also blocks the effects of R-lipoic Acid.

We've been using alpha lipoic acid on and off for asthma and food allergies.  In fact, we consider it to be one of our go to supplements for lowering IgE for asthma and food allergies.  That being said we have not seen the results that we've anticipated.  But after discovering that we were taking the wrong form of Alpha Lipoic Acid, we're now going to switch to R-lipoic.

Before you go out and order just any R-lipoic acid, please read and view my thinking process and reasons as to why R-lipoic is the best form of alpha lipoic acid.  In addition to that, R-lipoic has one central problem - it is not very bio-available when you take it on its own.  So in my article I walk you through my decision process and which brands are the most bio-available and deliver the biggest bang for your buck.

Read which is the best brand of r-lipoic acid here.

Read my article on the Best Wedge Pillow for Acid Reflux.

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