I am on day 2 of Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang. I have for the last week - after running out of the final doxycycline tablet - been using a TCM paste for my face after shower along with an amazingly staining blue herbal cream. My face is looking the best it has looked in six months. The paste and cream combo have cleared the redness and squash pimples better than any cream I have ever been given by an allopathic doctor. I am excited to see how the Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang works. I take 10 capsules 2 x a day along with 5 caps of an herbal remedy called "Acne." My son is taking 1 capsule of the Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang. I will begin introducing the "Acne" capsule in the next week or so as well.
Redness of Rosacea caused by MRSA down significantly |
This is the left side of my face, which after antibiotics was still red, but now down significantly. Also, the itchiness is diminished. |
Left side of my face - so much better also. | | | |
Just for reference, I'm including a photo of my face taken on Sept 6, 2011. This was when it was in the throws of MRSA infection. I was on antibiotics, putting iodine on my face - everything I could think of.

At this point, the pustules were drained, but the redness was the big thing - the spreading redness that nearly engulfed my face. This image is from nearly 5 months ago. Even after antibiotics the redness remained. I was - as I've stated - referred to a dermatologist who diagnosed me with Rosacea. Whether or not she could definitively say the Rosacea was MRSA caused - I knew it was because I had never hand anything like this prior to the MRSA I got after my ankle surgery.
I am so happy to be getting my normal face back. I am very excited to see what the Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang does internally to speed up my healing - I pray.
So did the Bu Zhong zi qi Tang help?
ReplyDeleteCan you summarize what you did/are doing if it helps with mrsa? Thanks.
DeleteThe Bu Zhong did help - but I was also taking lypo C along with it. So it could be that they both helped. If I recall (not looking at my older posts now) - my last outbreak was around Dec of 2011. I used doxycycline that I dissolved in DMSO directly on it. I'm not sure I would do this again since this was on my face (if it were on another part of my body I wouldn't hesitate) - and within days the outbreak was gone. (My BZYQT did not arrive until January). In the meantime, the doxy and DMSO on the breakout - got rid of it. Once BZYWT arrived, I was taking several caps ( like 12 or 16) of it a day, plus an ACNE tea capsule - this was all crafted by one of the herbalists/MD that we work with. I was also taking 2-3 grams of the lypo daily. (I had taken regular ascorbic acid, but it did not work).
Currently, I do 1 gram of lypo-C a day (no BZYQT or acne tea anymore). I try to minimize avocados - they seem to make my face itch - which for me is like an alarm. If I see a blemish or anything I up my lypo C. Forever more, I feel like I will always fear each blemish is MRSA. I am probably now a carrier. Although, I have thought of trying several grams of lypo C - maybe 10 or so a day for several days - and then weaning to see if I can stop lypo C completely... but I have not done so yet.
Also, our TCM gave us some blue cream - I cannot tell ingredients because they are not on there. If you like I can email you her info - not sure she'd want me to share it on the blog. She gave us a paste (used like a face mask that you wear for a bit then wash off) and cream (blue that stains absolutely everything) for the face at night. These coupled with the internal stuff has kept me free of outbreaks since Dec 2011... Thankfully. Hope this helps.
Are you currently battling MRSA? If I may ask, on what part of your body? Do you know where you got it?
I believe I got it at the hospital after surgery on my ankle. I was a huge face toucher - and I think I must have been nervously picking at my face which I had been known to do - during my 8 hours of waiting in the holding room. This is where I think I caught it because the boil appeared shortly after surgery. Although, I also took a very stressful road trip within 2 weeks after surgery traveling to see our TCM in NY - and I may have gotten it from phone in cheap motel. I have vague recollection of trying to pop a zit in the spot where the boil ultimately appeared. At any rate, surgery or cheap motel phone, the MRSA cost me a lot of money and energy.
Also, I forgot to mention. The study that I originally read about BZYQT suggested that it had about a 50% cure rate....so bear it mind it may work, it may not. But if you have MRSA in my mind, it was worth a shot. Plus, the BZYQT is an old recipe - and you can probably have any herbalist mix it for you. Here is link to abstract of the study - I'll have to look for the full study again. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11154054 -
DeleteAlso something they mentioned (again off memory and I'm not expert so don't hold me to it) was that Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang is not in and of itself antibacterial. It is a strengthening formula - which in my mind means you are strengthening your own defenses against the MRSA. If you try, please let me know. Thanks