Monday, December 10, 2012

MRSA boil topical approach

I recently met someone who had also battled MRSA.  It never ceases to amaze me how all over it is.  In fact, I am more convinced that the majority of people (if they've ever been in a hospital) are carriers.  I remember the nurse at the infectious disease doc telling me that she believed the majority of health care workers are carriers as well.

It's interesting because while we were traveling, I had to take my son to the urgent care facilities due to a spiking fever (101 - 103.6) and rich cough for - well - the entire duration of the trip.  When I finally took him in - the doctor there gave us 3 antibiotics - oral, for my son's eye (because I mentioned that he had some eye crust the day before), and ear (because  the doc thought his ear was looking like it may be starting an infection).

When I asked what these were for - he said bronchitis.  I asked - "What if it's viral?" He responded "If it was my son, I'd give him the antibiotics," with an air that seemed to scream "DUH LADY - Just do what I say OK!"  We also had an issue with the asthma - so he recommended upping the flovent (which we did).  Upping the flovent was all we did - for several reasons.  But it struck me - that in this day and age - I wonder if antibiotics should be given at all without doing some sort of sputum testing or something.  I mean - how can you know whether or not the medicine will work for whatever particular bacteria it is you think you're fighting.  I think this guy was really just old school - but having the MRSA experience really gave me a weariness for antibiotics.  Of course, they need to be in the arsenal - but as a last - last - last resort - and once susceptibility testing has been done.  

For my son, I upped vitamin C, gave him extra zinc (about 10 mgs), magnesium, cod liver oil,  a concoction of honey, acv, and water (which he hated but drank), AND our Qigong teacher gave him an intense massage for about 45 minutes.  After that, he fell asleep for a couple hours.  (I must disclose that he had taken a dose of benedryl an hour earlier, which makes him sleepy) - but after he awoke a couple hours later, the fever did not return and the cough died down.

Upon our return home, we did a session of hydrotherapy - and all was once again good in the world.

But back to the woman I met.   Apparently, she had MRSA on her leg - done the oral antibiotic thing - and it kept returning.  She told me that she had recently gotten a small boil on her leg again - and she took this topical gel called tecnu first aid gel (formerly known as Staphseptic - but re-branded because the FDA was after them for marketing that it killed MRSA - which according to my acquaintance it actually did do) put a glob onto the boil - then with a needle she scrapped the boil until it started to bleed.  Using cotton swabs, she squeezed out all the pus - constantly reapplying the gel to make sure that it was always covered.  Until, she had basically bled it out.  Yet more gel and She claimed that by the next day - it was well on its way to healing.   Amazing.  According to her, the tecnu gel must get into the wound - she couldn't just put it on the boil and it would make it go away - that is why she bled it. 

Now I am not recommending you do this - just sharing someone's experience. 

I mentioned vitamin C additionally to her.  From my experience,  I needed the battle won internally - but maybe as a 1-2 - tecnu gel and vitamin C could work together.


Tecnu contains benzethonium chloride - not so in love with this chemical.   See safety sheet here.
Just something to be aware of.  

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