Tuesday, October 4, 2011

MRSA Cures

It is now just over 2 weeks off doxycycline and my face is itching and I have scaly patches that bleed on my left side of my face.  To say that I am frustrated is a euphemism.  I am trying to keep spirits up.  I think the biggest challenge for me is not panicking.  I am trying things and dropping, trying, dropping and all I know is that I am back at the point of calling the infectious doctor.

Some things I've tried:

Blue Light - purchased light at 470 nm used for growing plants.  Don't know if it's made a difference, I've been pretty inconsistent.  I have been using this light along with the turtle's 15 watt UV light on my son - he has small rash around mouth that comes and goes.

TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) - I am really bummed that the herbs didn't help on their own.  I did do them with the antibiotics and stopped around the same time - maybe that was a mistake. Maybe I should go back to herbalist.  See - I feel like frog in frogger - going back this way, then that, then this, then that - pushed by panic and desperation.

Tanning salon (UV light for MRSA) - seemed to help, then last Wednesday it seemed to irritate my face.  I stopped.  Woke up on Saturday with the clearest skin to date (after guacamole and margarita the night before - bad idea I know.  But I needed my once a month get out.).  But then Sunday things dipped again.

Tumeric - was taking 3 tsp a day in capsules.  Stopped.  Felt like it didn't make a difference - but maybe it did.  Not sure - it comes really high rated by other MRSA sufferers so I may go back.

Oil of Oregano - tried briefly - again highly rated.  The form I was taking was in pill and I was supposed to take 15 pills a day along with 15 of the Thymus.  The practitioner who recommended said this protocol could take up to 2 months. 

Thymus Extract - tried briefly - see above.

Microsyn - not such good customer service.  But the gel seems topically to dry out the lesions.  Although I don't think it penetrates and can basically rid the infection.  It seems to need to get into the infection - so may work better on an open wound type thing.  Definitely worth trying.

Manuka Honey - I put this on my face early on and then covered with bandaid.  Bad idea.  The bandaid I think let things fester and the infection spread.  Although, again I tried YS Organics, which is not one of the go to Manuka Honeys for medicinal purposes.  I will try again, but will find more effective brand.

Iodine - topically.  I loved how it burned the hell out of the lesions.  The pain was a welcome relief from itching.  But in the end - not something I think was good for my face.  Bottom line it didn't get rid of the infection, but all the pushing I did holding the iodine on my face actually spread the infection.  

Other MRSA tools for the arsenal that I have not yet tried:

Lions Mane Mushrooms


Miracle Mineral Solution

Ozone autohemotherapy - Sounds interesting.  They basically take a portion of blood from your body, mix it with ozone gas and re-inject it into your body.  I spoke with a woman who swears by it - she used it to rid herself of MRSA boils.  Unfortunately, I cannot find anyone in my state who does this.

HBO - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.  You lie in a chamber that is pressurized to force oxygen into your body.  The naturopath we see is getting this in a couple weeks.  One obstacle - $75 a treatment and you need to do a series of 10 or more to see results.  Ouch.  But again - like anything - how much would you pay to rid your body of MRSA infection.  Answer - whatever cashola I can get my hands on. 

Garlic Extract - Allimed.  (trying as of Oct 5) This product is EXPENSIVE.  But it too has some interesting results.  The woman at the company said that I would need to take 6 caps a day for 90 days... then go down to 4... and see how it goes.  At this point, that's a protocol of around $1000.   But at this point, I feel so desperate to rid my face and my family of this thing.

Tocotrienols - (actually trying as of Oct 2ish) this is my own theory really, based on a study done on mice and invitro -  where they we're able to basically use the cholesterol blocking medicine (that never went to market) that basically inhibited the staph bacteria from forming the carotenoid colored shell that gives it resistance.  The innate immune system was then able to kill (mouse model) and clear the bacteria on its own.  Again, I am not a doctor - but I then searched other natural supplements that assist in blocking cholesterol production.  Tocotrienols came up.  My hope is that they could do something similar - strip the bacteria of the ability to protect itself and my body could just kick it out.  Nutty?  Possibly?  Needless to say, I am on day 3 of toco 8.  Not sure if it's helping or making worse.

I will update this page with more info.  And may post picts.
We'll see what tomorrow brings.


  1. Denise, did anything work for you ? I just started with Manuka honey and Turmeric along with antibiotics

  2. Yes. What ultimately worked for me was topical application of doxycycline dissolved in DMSO. I literally took my last doxy cap and dissolved it in the doxy. Then 2-4 grams of lypo vitamin C. The Chinese herbs also helped.
    You can read more here: http://www.healinghacker.com/mrsa-2-years-later/
