Thursday, November 15, 2012

Guo Lin QiGong Lessons and Traveling with Food Allergies and Asthma

So we are preparing to travel to see the Master and learn the Guo Lin QiGong.  While the fundamentals of each of our exercises will be the same (myself, my son, and my mother), the Master has prescribed some different exercises for each of our ailments.

Our goals for learning are:

My Mother
Normalize her high blood pressure
Get rid of chronic cough that plagues her
Stop and possibly reverse the progression of rheumatoid arthritis
Address her hypothyroidism

prevent cancer
heal the painful ovarian cysts that I have been having in the last several months
improve my digestion and reflux
gain more energy
and also - I'd like to strengthen my kidneys

My Son's
Heal the food allergies and asthma
Address the issue that makes him sweat most nights (it is not uncommon for me to change his shirt in the middle of the night because he's wet with sweat - not soaking, but wet).  His father had a sweat during sleep issue, but according to Chinese Medicine, this causes him to lose much energy - so we will be addressing.
Heal the food allergies and asthma

Of course in total pre-trip chaos, my son woke, after nighttime coughing,  this morning with a red pussy eye, cough, and now he's got a little fever.  Lovely.  Trying to break through this before we set out on our journey.  Giving 3-4 grams vit C every 24 hours, along with quercenase (quercetin and bromelain), an additional supp with zinc, magnesium, cod liver oil - sheesh.

Another issue - or stress rather - is food.  Of course, we are driving about 12 hours - so I will be feeding my son on the road because we cannot eat any of the food on route.  But then we will need to either consume or dump and fruits and vegetables before we hit the border, since they will not be allowed to cross with us.  So our target, before even the hotel, will be the nearest organic stocked market so that we can stock up on what we could not bring.  We will, as I've been instructed by Canadian Border Department, be able to cross with our dried packaged goods, possibly some of our meat, and hopefully some bottled things like tomato sauce... little things that I am not sure I'd be able to get at another store.

We have a suite with kitchen - thankfully - this trip will not entail cooking on my electric double burner.  I sprang for the extra money because I felt like there's already so much to deal with - having to worry about getting kicked out of the hotel because of our vagabond cooking - would put me over the edge.  Especially since I'll be baking bread in the slow cooker (which I'm bringing).

One of our trips to New York city  was somewhat awful because we got trapped in a fancy hotel in Manhattan,  that basically said I could not cook in the room because they not only had smoke detectors but heat sensors directly wired to the fire department.  So we were stuck with only a microwave - needless to say my son lived practically on our only safe bagels for about 24 hours - until we could high tail it out of town.

Here is our usual food allergy travel set-up - usually the less expensive motels are best for this set-up - but those hotels can also suck for asthma issues.  So now we're kind of middle-brow - hoping that the room is not too dustmite infested.  At any rate, some images from one of our trips - our cooking for food allergy set up.

Traveling with Food Allergy pots, pans, dishes

Traveling with Food Allergy - cooking on the double electric burners.

Traveling with Food Allergy - nothing worse than washing your veggies in tiny motel sink.

Traveling with Food Allergy - open the windows so we don't set off alarm

Traveling with Food Allergy - cramming tiny fridge with food.

Traveling with Food Allergy - I once roasted a lamb shank in a motel bathroom just like this.


  1. GuoLin Qigong is effective for anticancer & wellness, and also it is good for patient with high blood pressure

    1. Yes, it is. When we learned from our Teacher - she taught my mother specific hand positions and moves to lower her blood pressure. Do you practice GuoLin Qigong?

  2. Hi, Can you recommend a teacher for GuoLin Qigong?
    Thank you very much in advance.

    1. Hi S Wu -
      Where are you in the world? I can recommend my teacher - if you email me at - I can send you the email address to the teacher's translator who worked with us.
