It's been a stressful several months. I had another outbreak on my face. And after the dermatologist visit where she offered up doxycycline - I accepted and am on another round of antibiotics. I am frustrated that nothing is working - or maybe that my expectations are off. Plus my approach has been less than scientific - it's been a downright chaotic frenzy to throw everything at my body that even remotely could kill MRSA - and all I've done is spent 6 weeks on antibiotics now in the last 4 months.
I tried Allimed - cannot say that it did anything, but as I've mentioned the cost was just kind of crazy. It did improve my digestion - which made a nutritionist friend of mine curious as to whether or not I have some sort of yeast overgrowth in my gut. That being said - the cheaper - garlicase has continued the benefits that Allimed started. Also, I tried the cream topically and - didn't deliver. Not saying that it doesn't work for some people - just didn't do it for us.
I have also been battling impetigo on my son's face. I get rid of it and then a week later it reappears. I have avoided the doctor because so far I've been able to get it to go away. However, I know something is going on because it keeps coming back. My concern with antibiotics is that we are already battling food allergies and asthma. Plus with me - I've been on meds way too long - and I want to spare my son that. So we need to lick this thing naturally.
I am however, working with our MD/TCM doctor and she has agreed to send us Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang. I read another paper on it - and it has about a 50% success rate. The theory seems to be that it stimulates the immune system (NK cells and macrophages), improves the nutrition status by enhancing digestion, and possibly prevents MRSA from creating biofilms. Other than that it has not been found to have any bacteriacidal properties in vitro. Go figure. I'm hoping that it does it for us. For the cases where it works - it has been found to not only rid the body of infection, but carrier status as well. Sounds like a dream - I know.
I found a brand online - but our Dr suggested that she do it through her manufacturer in China because she is familiar with their manufacturing and extraction methods - and also she has reviewed their CFA. We anticipate receiving that in the next week or so.
Topically though I can share what we've used.
Oil of Oregano (my son hates this because it burns)
In our more desperate moments - the turtles uv lamp - very weak - for about 15 minutes at night
A bath paste - sent to us by our MD/TCM doctor - wish I could tell you what it is - simply labeled bath herb. I put it on the rash while he's in the shower and leave it on for about 5-10 minutes. If you want the ingredients I can send to - simply email me.
A white cream - called Cream #2 for itch, red, rash - again - no idea what is in it - got it at the TCM herbalist in town. (Happy to share her information via email as well).
And French Green Clay - I put a thin layer the rash area and my son sleeps with it on. It helps keep him from itching it at night - and it dries it out.
I have also used manuka oil - but this rash is by his nose and lip - and I don't want him to swallow the manuka oil. Plus there is potential for lung damage if it is aspirated - again small chance, but not risking it.
At any rate, that's where we're at. Winning some battles, losing others - but the war rages on.
I am working on an interview with some TCM practitioners. Will post in the coming weeks.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Sinus infection, throat infection, impetigo and Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi-Tang
Long stretches between posts - but last week, my son broke out with impetigo around his mouth. I have been battling little blemishes here and there with everything from the turtle's UV light to neosporin - keeping it at bay. But last Saturday it kind of swept around his mouth making a red blotchiness around his chin, near the corner of his mouth, and even by his nose. I was lucky enough to have a scheduled call with our herbalist/immunologist and I sent her photos and we spoke about it. She recommended that we use an herb mixture that she had given us for baths to reduce eczema, make it into a paste and put it on his face where the rash was. We did that, plus used another herbal cream - from local TCM - and in 3 days it was gone. I am thrilled. I will continue the regimen for another couple weeks, possibly month.
I wish I could share the remedies - but the bath remedy is called - "Herbal Bath Additive" and comes in 10G silver packets - and the cream only has a small green sticker on it.
I myself have been battling a sinus infection / sore throat / cough for about a month. I finally went to doctor - she swabbed my nose and throat - so we'll see what that results in. In the meantime, I have desperately netied and snorted everything and anything to quell the pain:
apple cider vinegar diluted - burned like hell. Couldn't say that I did it enough to see any benefits.
silver - Flooded sinuses by leaning head over couch and frankly think that spread infection to ears because my ears then became engulfed in pain
hydrogen peroxide - flooded sinuses by kneeling on ground and placing forehead to floor while spraying solution of saline with 1/10th hydrogen peroxide until it bubbled out other nostril. painful. but in the end I am concerned that what is ailing me is MRSA again, and hydrogen peroxide has been found in studies to not be effective against MRSA - so I stopped. My concern is that I was killing less pathogenic bacteria and leaving more room for whatever is pathogenic to grow.
oil of oregano - burns like hell too - and I just did side to side neti for a couple seconds then resisted blowing for about a minute. This I think is helping. I did it 3x today.
I've been gargling with Listerine and even entertained the notion of neti-ing it.
Internally, I started taking colloidal silver - 1 tsp, 5x a day.
We'll see what tomorrow brings.
In conversation with the herbalist, I requested Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi-Tang, which I mentioned here. She thought that made sense. It will arrive Tuesday. I will take 10 pills 2x a day, and my son will take half of that. She said it is an 800 year old recipe that is mild, designed to assist digestion, strengthen immune system, and assist in clearing pathogens. I am hoping that this remedy will help me clear the MRSA internally for good - and also protect my son. We will need to take the herbs for 2 months or so.
I wish I could share the remedies - but the bath remedy is called - "Herbal Bath Additive" and comes in 10G silver packets - and the cream only has a small green sticker on it.
I myself have been battling a sinus infection / sore throat / cough for about a month. I finally went to doctor - she swabbed my nose and throat - so we'll see what that results in. In the meantime, I have desperately netied and snorted everything and anything to quell the pain:
apple cider vinegar diluted - burned like hell. Couldn't say that I did it enough to see any benefits.
silver - Flooded sinuses by leaning head over couch and frankly think that spread infection to ears because my ears then became engulfed in pain
hydrogen peroxide - flooded sinuses by kneeling on ground and placing forehead to floor while spraying solution of saline with 1/10th hydrogen peroxide until it bubbled out other nostril. painful. but in the end I am concerned that what is ailing me is MRSA again, and hydrogen peroxide has been found in studies to not be effective against MRSA - so I stopped. My concern is that I was killing less pathogenic bacteria and leaving more room for whatever is pathogenic to grow.
oil of oregano - burns like hell too - and I just did side to side neti for a couple seconds then resisted blowing for about a minute. This I think is helping. I did it 3x today.
I've been gargling with Listerine and even entertained the notion of neti-ing it.
Internally, I started taking colloidal silver - 1 tsp, 5x a day.
We'll see what tomorrow brings.
In conversation with the herbalist, I requested Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi-Tang, which I mentioned here. She thought that made sense. It will arrive Tuesday. I will take 10 pills 2x a day, and my son will take half of that. She said it is an 800 year old recipe that is mild, designed to assist digestion, strengthen immune system, and assist in clearing pathogens. I am hoping that this remedy will help me clear the MRSA internally for good - and also protect my son. We will need to take the herbs for 2 months or so.
Friday, November 11, 2011
MRSA follow up - Listerine, Silver, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Kampo
I haven't posted in awhile. But, I am happy to report that I remain relatively smooth faced. The only thing that remains of my encounter with MRSA are red blotches along my cheeks - splotchy red areas that really look - well - like I had a disease. For the most part they stay pretty constant - covering pretty much the entire right side and part of the left. I did notice a flare up when I took a supplement that contained zinc. Not sure if I mentioned this before, but I've read that MRSA sequesters zinc before your own body can. So more zinc can mean more and stronger MRSA - and no one wants that.
About 2 days into the supplement, my face started to tingle/itch more than usual and a red blotch about the size of dime reappeared on my right cheek. I stopped the supplement, squeezed off the little white part, and slathered on staphaseptic ( a must have in arsenal of MRSA fighting weapons).
The next day I awoke and it was about 80% less red.
So some interesting things I've added to my MRSA fighting arsenal:
Listerine - found to kill MRSA after 30 seconds. I wonder what element - or is it combo. Interesting though, Listerine has thymol in it - from thyme oil.
Staphaseptic - picked it up at CVS.
Manuka Oil - mentioned it before. But even after being off antibiotics for a couple weeks, I still had the remains of 2 small boils. Probably around the size of peas. I put manuka oil on them every morning and night and they finally shrunk down to almost zero. I really do think it was the manuka oil, because prior to that I was using microsyn which did not have an effect on them. Microsyn worked best for me when there was open wound type access. Manuka oil seems penetrated the skin because both of the bumps we're under closed skin.
Hyperbaric Oxygen - this is something that I am just beginning to explore. Mild HBOT brought down the redness of my face after only 1 treatment. But this redness according to the ID is inflammation - some sort of rosacea or ezcema thing. We'll see what derm says - I see her in about 2 weeks. Hyperbaric is on my list of things to return to once I get over this sinus thing I am battling. I am not sure if I'll return to the place we first got the treatment, because I do believe that is where myself and mom got sick. Also, I may try a metal chamber with 100% oxygen. Not sure, but I'll definitely share that experience.
Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi-Tang (in TCM) or Hochu-ekki-to (in Kampo Medicine) - this is an herbal formula that in this small - not even really study - in Japan, was given to 5 MRSA infected 70-something plus people. They we're after treatment - found to be MRSA-negative with resolution of all infections. I will definitely be consulting my herbalist for this formula - which is listed in the article.
Silver - This is one thing that I am not totally sold on - or rather, I remain skeptical. But this is an interesting anecdote of its use as a systemic antibiotic. A 12 year old boy with Cystic Fibrosis - and severe lung disease is successfully, measurably treated by his parents with colloidal silver that they found online. There are many things to love about this story - like that the parents we're successful. Also, they mention that the child was weaned off antibiotics and asthma meds, and still sustained his improvement. Although, when he briefly discontinued the silver, he had a relapse. Very interesting. I hope he continues to do well.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
MRSA versus Allimed Garlic Day 7
I am on day 9 of Allimed - although it is not the only thing that I am doing. Here is my rough protocol:
Allimed 6 caps a day
Tumeric:1-3 tsp a day (loose about dosage)
Bleach baths
On and off, microsyn on my face
I returned to ID doc because the rash was spreading on my face. He said that what I am having is an eczema-like rash or severe rosacea that is not MRSA. I had a little bump near my ear, but it has shrunk as has the couple month old bump under my chin. The ID doc was not concerned about these bumps. I still cannot bring myself to hug my son for fear of my potential contamination.
I see a dermatologist in about 1 month.
I broke down and bought the Phenomenal water and gel. I am going to give it a try in the coming days. The Allimed is very expensive, my plan is to continue it for another couple weeks and then substitute in another garlic cap and see if there is a difference.
I am also considering mHBOT - at a naturopath near me. I would like to take my son in with me, but with the asthma I am not completely comfortable. I spoke with the pulmonologist we've seen and he was - predictably - unable to endorse anything outside the bounds of the hospital he is associated with. I am scheduled to call a doctor in Malibu who runs a hyperbaric oxygen clinic - an MD who has been doing these treatments for years. I will discuss with him the process and what his experience has been with children with asthma. In the meantime, I am considering for myself and my mom. My MRSA inducing surgerytized ankle is hurting - as are some other things. I am interested to see if it makes any difference in the way I feel - and especially my skin.
Overall, whatever crazy things I am trying - I think they are working. The bumps on my face have stabilized and even - dare I say - begun to shrink. I am hopeful.
I am also awaiting manuka oil - recommended by a blog (mom who overcame MRSA for herself and her daughters). Good inspiration, happy ending - to this day healthy. Yay - good vibes - kickin' MRSA's vampirous (if that's a word) ass to the curb. Good vibes.
Allimed 6 caps a day
Tumeric:1-3 tsp a day (loose about dosage)
Bleach baths
On and off, microsyn on my face
I returned to ID doc because the rash was spreading on my face. He said that what I am having is an eczema-like rash or severe rosacea that is not MRSA. I had a little bump near my ear, but it has shrunk as has the couple month old bump under my chin. The ID doc was not concerned about these bumps. I still cannot bring myself to hug my son for fear of my potential contamination.
I see a dermatologist in about 1 month.
I broke down and bought the Phenomenal water and gel. I am going to give it a try in the coming days. The Allimed is very expensive, my plan is to continue it for another couple weeks and then substitute in another garlic cap and see if there is a difference.
I am also considering mHBOT - at a naturopath near me. I would like to take my son in with me, but with the asthma I am not completely comfortable. I spoke with the pulmonologist we've seen and he was - predictably - unable to endorse anything outside the bounds of the hospital he is associated with. I am scheduled to call a doctor in Malibu who runs a hyperbaric oxygen clinic - an MD who has been doing these treatments for years. I will discuss with him the process and what his experience has been with children with asthma. In the meantime, I am considering for myself and my mom. My MRSA inducing surgerytized ankle is hurting - as are some other things. I am interested to see if it makes any difference in the way I feel - and especially my skin.
Overall, whatever crazy things I am trying - I think they are working. The bumps on my face have stabilized and even - dare I say - begun to shrink. I am hopeful.
I am also awaiting manuka oil - recommended by a blog (mom who overcame MRSA for herself and her daughters). Good inspiration, happy ending - to this day healthy. Yay - good vibes - kickin' MRSA's vampirous (if that's a word) ass to the curb. Good vibes.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
MRSA versus Garlic the Allimed Challenge
This is my personal 10 day challenge and review of Allimed against MRSA.
As I've written for the past month or so - I was diagnosed with MRSA about 2 months ago. I had an ongoing mid-life acne attack for the past 2 years that exploded into MRSA days after an ankle surgery I had. I've been on augmentin - didn't work. Clindamycin - didn't work even though the test showed the MRSA was susceptible to it. Then (2) 7 day courses of doxycycline. I am about 2 1/2 weeks off antibiotics and there are some itchy lesion like patches now on the left side of my face. Not a good scene.
In my desperation - having half hazardly tried and stopped many many things - I've decided to try Allimed. Not sure why - but it seems to have some results posted online and I'm hoping this works. I will do my best to be consistent and enter in everything that I am doing so that I can be as methodical as possible amidst this most chaotic and panicky time.
Day 1 - Allimed. Recommended by the company that I take 6 capsules a day - making my about $120 bottle stretch a whopping 10 days. But in my experience I anticipate knowing whether or not it is working for me in this time frame. The protocol that they recommended for me extends 90 days at 6 caps then tapering down to 4 and possibly down further for maintenance. I could also do a nasal swab after that to determine whether or not I continue to carry. Bummer, way much more techy crap about MRSA than I want to know. But it's here so full speed ahead.
Against my personal hermit - I am posting photos. It is on my face so you'll see me. If you know me, just know that I am going out of my way to not touch my face - and therefore the infection, not shake hands, no hugging, no contact basically and I am washing my hands down to the bone.
Oh yeah and I was directed not to take the caps with anything hot - wait an hour between caps and hot food/drink.
For me MRSA manifested as a series of deep soft elongated under the skin cysts by my ear (my theory I touched/picked zit or my phone after touching MRSA something at the hosp). Then it became cellulitis. Honestly, this is the best the right side has looked in months, the left side stuff is about 4 days old.
It started near my right ear - and at its worst the soft part of my ear actually was pus-ed up.
As I've written for the past month or so - I was diagnosed with MRSA about 2 months ago. I had an ongoing mid-life acne attack for the past 2 years that exploded into MRSA days after an ankle surgery I had. I've been on augmentin - didn't work. Clindamycin - didn't work even though the test showed the MRSA was susceptible to it. Then (2) 7 day courses of doxycycline. I am about 2 1/2 weeks off antibiotics and there are some itchy lesion like patches now on the left side of my face. Not a good scene.
In my desperation - having half hazardly tried and stopped many many things - I've decided to try Allimed. Not sure why - but it seems to have some results posted online and I'm hoping this works. I will do my best to be consistent and enter in everything that I am doing so that I can be as methodical as possible amidst this most chaotic and panicky time.
Day 1 - Allimed. Recommended by the company that I take 6 capsules a day - making my about $120 bottle stretch a whopping 10 days. But in my experience I anticipate knowing whether or not it is working for me in this time frame. The protocol that they recommended for me extends 90 days at 6 caps then tapering down to 4 and possibly down further for maintenance. I could also do a nasal swab after that to determine whether or not I continue to carry. Bummer, way much more techy crap about MRSA than I want to know. But it's here so full speed ahead.
Against my personal hermit - I am posting photos. It is on my face so you'll see me. If you know me, just know that I am going out of my way to not touch my face - and therefore the infection, not shake hands, no hugging, no contact basically and I am washing my hands down to the bone.
Oh yeah and I was directed not to take the caps with anything hot - wait an hour between caps and hot food/drink.
For me MRSA manifested as a series of deep soft elongated under the skin cysts by my ear (my theory I touched/picked zit or my phone after touching MRSA something at the hosp). Then it became cellulitis. Honestly, this is the best the right side has looked in months, the left side stuff is about 4 days old.
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MRSA on face left side |
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MRSA on face front |
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MRSA on face right side |
It started near my right ear - and at its worst the soft part of my ear actually was pus-ed up.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
MRSA Cures
It is now just over 2 weeks off doxycycline and my face is itching and I have scaly patches that bleed on my left side of my face. To say that I am frustrated is a euphemism. I am trying to keep spirits up. I think the biggest challenge for me is not panicking. I am trying things and dropping, trying, dropping and all I know is that I am back at the point of calling the infectious doctor.
Some things I've tried:
Blue Light - purchased light at 470 nm used for growing plants. Don't know if it's made a difference, I've been pretty inconsistent. I have been using this light along with the turtle's 15 watt UV light on my son - he has small rash around mouth that comes and goes.
TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) - I am really bummed that the herbs didn't help on their own. I did do them with the antibiotics and stopped around the same time - maybe that was a mistake. Maybe I should go back to herbalist. See - I feel like frog in frogger - going back this way, then that, then this, then that - pushed by panic and desperation.
Tanning salon (UV light for MRSA) - seemed to help, then last Wednesday it seemed to irritate my face. I stopped. Woke up on Saturday with the clearest skin to date (after guacamole and margarita the night before - bad idea I know. But I needed my once a month get out.). But then Sunday things dipped again.
Tumeric - was taking 3 tsp a day in capsules. Stopped. Felt like it didn't make a difference - but maybe it did. Not sure - it comes really high rated by other MRSA sufferers so I may go back.
Oil of Oregano - tried briefly - again highly rated. The form I was taking was in pill and I was supposed to take 15 pills a day along with 15 of the Thymus. The practitioner who recommended said this protocol could take up to 2 months.
Thymus Extract - tried briefly - see above.
Microsyn - not such good customer service. But the gel seems topically to dry out the lesions. Although I don't think it penetrates and can basically rid the infection. It seems to need to get into the infection - so may work better on an open wound type thing. Definitely worth trying.
Manuka Honey - I put this on my face early on and then covered with bandaid. Bad idea. The bandaid I think let things fester and the infection spread. Although, again I tried YS Organics, which is not one of the go to Manuka Honeys for medicinal purposes. I will try again, but will find more effective brand.
Iodine - topically. I loved how it burned the hell out of the lesions. The pain was a welcome relief from itching. But in the end - not something I think was good for my face. Bottom line it didn't get rid of the infection, but all the pushing I did holding the iodine on my face actually spread the infection.
Other MRSA tools for the arsenal that I have not yet tried:
Lions Mane Mushrooms
Miracle Mineral Solution
Ozone autohemotherapy - Sounds interesting. They basically take a portion of blood from your body, mix it with ozone gas and re-inject it into your body. I spoke with a woman who swears by it - she used it to rid herself of MRSA boils. Unfortunately, I cannot find anyone in my state who does this.
HBO - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. You lie in a chamber that is pressurized to force oxygen into your body. The naturopath we see is getting this in a couple weeks. One obstacle - $75 a treatment and you need to do a series of 10 or more to see results. Ouch. But again - like anything - how much would you pay to rid your body of MRSA infection. Answer - whatever cashola I can get my hands on.
Garlic Extract - Allimed. (trying as of Oct 5) This product is EXPENSIVE. But it too has some interesting results. The woman at the company said that I would need to take 6 caps a day for 90 days... then go down to 4... and see how it goes. At this point, that's a protocol of around $1000. But at this point, I feel so desperate to rid my face and my family of this thing.
Tocotrienols - (actually trying as of Oct 2ish) this is my own theory really, based on a study done on mice and invitro - where they we're able to basically use the cholesterol blocking medicine (that never went to market) that basically inhibited the staph bacteria from forming the carotenoid colored shell that gives it resistance. The innate immune system was then able to kill (mouse model) and clear the bacteria on its own. Again, I am not a doctor - but I then searched other natural supplements that assist in blocking cholesterol production. Tocotrienols came up. My hope is that they could do something similar - strip the bacteria of the ability to protect itself and my body could just kick it out. Nutty? Possibly? Needless to say, I am on day 3 of toco 8. Not sure if it's helping or making worse.
I will update this page with more info. And may post picts.
We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Praise for Chinese Herbs
I have taken TCM medicine or Chinese Herbs - on and off. I am not sure why the herbs did not help me more with the MRSA - except to say that really I thought the MRSA was just acne and stress breakouts on my face - and asked my herbalist to focus on my stomach - which she did amazingly. Her herbs really helped ramp up my digestion and significantly reduced the acid reflux - even more than the purple pill.
I found this herbalist several years back, recommended by a friend of the family. I had been having abnormal pap smears for about 5 years that were HPV positive. The gyne felt that since my body hadn't cleared it in all that time, it was probably best to freeze the small area of my cervix that was causing the issue. I wasn't in love with that idea - so I pushed for a couple months to figure out alternatives that might work.
In the meantime, a friend had recommended an herbalist - Dr. Lisa - she had seen. I figured that I had nothing to lose and worst case scenario I'd do the freezing thing.
This herbalist was/is set up in the back office of what looks almost like a gift shop. Out in front is a glass display counter and a wall of small drawers with Chinese characters scribbled on tiny cards reminiscent of the old school card catalog.
After listening to my symptoms and diagnosis, feeling my pulse, and looking at my tongue ( a total of about 10 minutes max), she sent me home with packages of herbs that I was to boil for approx 2 hours and drink. She said that after 2 months of this I could go back to the doctor and my cervix would be clear and normal. Well I did what she said and now for 2 years, I have thankfully had - normal pap smears.
I could spend days there just watching Dr. Lisa's assistants prep and wrap herbal recipes. Mixes of twigs, rocks, leaves, flowers.... you name it. Basically a concoction of everything that covers the forest floor. A couple months back I met a woman who was getting a preparation that contained ruby red dried curled beetle-like bugs. I couldn't help myself - I had to ask what the tea was for.
She told me that she had been diagnosed with leukemia 6 weeks prior. In the time between her diagnosis and treatment start, she had been drinking Dr. Lisa's teas - about 4 weeks. When she returned to her doctor to follow up and start treatment - the doctor informed her... "well we don't know what happened, but we don't see the cancer anymore."
Chinese herbs - all herbs - are a reminder to protect our planet. These herbs are our medicine - and not to get all soap boxy - but when they are tainted with heavy metals and toxins because of environmental contaminants we are screwing ourselves on both ends.
I found this herbalist several years back, recommended by a friend of the family. I had been having abnormal pap smears for about 5 years that were HPV positive. The gyne felt that since my body hadn't cleared it in all that time, it was probably best to freeze the small area of my cervix that was causing the issue. I wasn't in love with that idea - so I pushed for a couple months to figure out alternatives that might work.
In the meantime, a friend had recommended an herbalist - Dr. Lisa - she had seen. I figured that I had nothing to lose and worst case scenario I'd do the freezing thing.
This herbalist was/is set up in the back office of what looks almost like a gift shop. Out in front is a glass display counter and a wall of small drawers with Chinese characters scribbled on tiny cards reminiscent of the old school card catalog.
After listening to my symptoms and diagnosis, feeling my pulse, and looking at my tongue ( a total of about 10 minutes max), she sent me home with packages of herbs that I was to boil for approx 2 hours and drink. She said that after 2 months of this I could go back to the doctor and my cervix would be clear and normal. Well I did what she said and now for 2 years, I have thankfully had - normal pap smears.
I could spend days there just watching Dr. Lisa's assistants prep and wrap herbal recipes. Mixes of twigs, rocks, leaves, flowers.... you name it. Basically a concoction of everything that covers the forest floor. A couple months back I met a woman who was getting a preparation that contained ruby red dried curled beetle-like bugs. I couldn't help myself - I had to ask what the tea was for.
She told me that she had been diagnosed with leukemia 6 weeks prior. In the time between her diagnosis and treatment start, she had been drinking Dr. Lisa's teas - about 4 weeks. When she returned to her doctor to follow up and start treatment - the doctor informed her... "well we don't know what happened, but we don't see the cancer anymore."
Chinese herbs - all herbs - are a reminder to protect our planet. These herbs are our medicine - and not to get all soap boxy - but when they are tainted with heavy metals and toxins because of environmental contaminants we are screwing ourselves on both ends.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Light Therapy
After 4 weeks antibiotics for the MRSA - First it was augmentin. Then clyndamycin. Finally, 14 days of doxycycline - things have improved, but my face still has a big red patch on the side.
I've been reading about light therapy. There are ultraviolet light systems used to kill bacteria on surfaces. There was also a study where blue light was used to kill MRSA in vitro. The wavelength tested was 470 nm ( a pretty specific wavelength). I spoke with a rep at a light company that sells systems in the thousands of dollars - and he stated that they use their blue light systems in nursing homes to control MRSA skin infections. There was also a posting on the MRSA forum where one person used tanning beds as part of his treatment.
Needless to say, in my almost desperate quest to rid myself of this infection - I've been going to the tanning salon every other day - and tanning on the most powerful bed they have. I have noticed a significant improvement on my face. Probably the biggest improvement since the first week of doxycyline. I still have one small patch that bled yesterday, not so good - but it is smaller than it's been. So a week after the antibiotics have stopped, I am definitely improving.
Another interesting thing to consider - if the blue wavelength is of primary importance in obliterating bacteria - is that the earth's atmosphere diffuses just that wavelength of light as the sun's rays beam down onto us. And so, in following that logic, the only way to really get some strong dosing of blue light, is to use an artificial source.
I have also been using a gel - called microcyn (interesting stuff posted about their product online - however customer service is TERRIBLE. I ordered 3 of the products and only received 1/3 of my order, which I paid to have shipped overnight and it arrived 1 week later. I am now 2 weeks into waiting and the rest of my order has yet to be filled.) Not sure if I'd recommend them. If you do venture to use the product (again well reviewed product) beware of the AWFUL customer service - non-responsive call center contracted to fulfill orders. Also, I'm not sure if the gel is having an effect, or if it is just the tanning beds. Either way, I plan on tanning every other day until I feel like I am well into healed.
I've been reading about light therapy. There are ultraviolet light systems used to kill bacteria on surfaces. There was also a study where blue light was used to kill MRSA in vitro. The wavelength tested was 470 nm ( a pretty specific wavelength). I spoke with a rep at a light company that sells systems in the thousands of dollars - and he stated that they use their blue light systems in nursing homes to control MRSA skin infections. There was also a posting on the MRSA forum where one person used tanning beds as part of his treatment.
Needless to say, in my almost desperate quest to rid myself of this infection - I've been going to the tanning salon every other day - and tanning on the most powerful bed they have. I have noticed a significant improvement on my face. Probably the biggest improvement since the first week of doxycyline. I still have one small patch that bled yesterday, not so good - but it is smaller than it's been. So a week after the antibiotics have stopped, I am definitely improving.
Another interesting thing to consider - if the blue wavelength is of primary importance in obliterating bacteria - is that the earth's atmosphere diffuses just that wavelength of light as the sun's rays beam down onto us. And so, in following that logic, the only way to really get some strong dosing of blue light, is to use an artificial source.
I have also been using a gel - called microcyn (interesting stuff posted about their product online - however customer service is TERRIBLE. I ordered 3 of the products and only received 1/3 of my order, which I paid to have shipped overnight and it arrived 1 week later. I am now 2 weeks into waiting and the rest of my order has yet to be filled.) Not sure if I'd recommend them. If you do venture to use the product (again well reviewed product) beware of the AWFUL customer service - non-responsive call center contracted to fulfill orders. Also, I'm not sure if the gel is having an effect, or if it is just the tanning beds. Either way, I plan on tanning every other day until I feel like I am well into healed.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
I presently have MRSA cellulitis on my face. I thought it was acne, but it turned out to be more. My best guess is that I have had an ongoing acne problem for the last 2 years. I was seeing one herbalist for accupuncture and herbs. He prescribed some herbs that I took to regulate my menstruation - well it worked. My periods are pretty much to the day of 28 days apart. But I got acne. Started small, got big - but ultimately never quite cleared. It would flare during my cycle but then go down. Up and down, just like a teenage boy minus the sex drive and energy. I had this, now I recognize as destructive, habit of picking at my face. This past May I went into the hospital for ankle surgery and three days later had what I thought was a sebaceous cyst. Well after much ignoring and putting everything I could find on my face that I thought would help - I landed here - 3 months later with a pretty bad looking infection along my right jawline and cheek. MRSA.
I feel like I have the plague. Although the doctors seem very casual about it. "Oh, yeah MRSA. We see it all the time." I've taken augmentin, clindomycin, and now doxycycline. I'm 1 week into the doxy and there are some improvements, but not enough for my comfort. So learn from my mistakes. Here is what I've learned about my face and this MRSA that is trying to eat it.
1 - I can't put any sort of bandage on it without it growing.
2 - I burned my face with iodine that I was holding on my face until the pustules would pop and bleed. Now I realize that the MRSA is actually second worst to the big scabs of blood that I have created.
3 - I put garlic on my face and I think burned it. Not sure, but between the iodine and the garlic things got worse. It is possible that I pushed too hard and actually spread the infection more. Either way, I am still open to garlic, but I will try garlic baths first. This supposedly will sent allicin (the component linked to garlic's potent antibacterial power) into your body through your pores. You may smell like pizza but you won't look like it.
Things I will be trying - or at least are things that I will explore to have in the aresenal of health - above and beyond MRSA.
1 - Blue light therapy. On one of the MRSA forums, someone mentioned tanning studio time helped take away the MRSA episodes he experienced. Also, there is a study that I'll post in my blue light write up.
2. Ozone Autohemotherapy - infusing withdrawn blood from the body with Ozone (O3) and then reinjecting.
3. Ozonated oils/creams.
4. Food grade hydrogen peroxide.
5. Ways to move above and beyond fortifying the immune system.
I feel like I have the plague. Although the doctors seem very casual about it. "Oh, yeah MRSA. We see it all the time." I've taken augmentin, clindomycin, and now doxycycline. I'm 1 week into the doxy and there are some improvements, but not enough for my comfort. So learn from my mistakes. Here is what I've learned about my face and this MRSA that is trying to eat it.
1 - I can't put any sort of bandage on it without it growing.
2 - I burned my face with iodine that I was holding on my face until the pustules would pop and bleed. Now I realize that the MRSA is actually second worst to the big scabs of blood that I have created.
3 - I put garlic on my face and I think burned it. Not sure, but between the iodine and the garlic things got worse. It is possible that I pushed too hard and actually spread the infection more. Either way, I am still open to garlic, but I will try garlic baths first. This supposedly will sent allicin (the component linked to garlic's potent antibacterial power) into your body through your pores. You may smell like pizza but you won't look like it.
Things I will be trying - or at least are things that I will explore to have in the aresenal of health - above and beyond MRSA.
1 - Blue light therapy. On one of the MRSA forums, someone mentioned tanning studio time helped take away the MRSA episodes he experienced. Also, there is a study that I'll post in my blue light write up.
2. Ozone Autohemotherapy - infusing withdrawn blood from the body with Ozone (O3) and then reinjecting.
3. Ozonated oils/creams.
4. Food grade hydrogen peroxide.
5. Ways to move above and beyond fortifying the immune system.
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