This posting is from 2012 - to read the most recent update (May 2015) read my article "Reducing IGE Levels for Food Allergies and Asthma Update" We've made much progress (knock on wood) and had much learning since this original posting!
So we had a 6 month follow up with the allergist after my other post on lowering IGE levels. I'll open with what I think is the core of her, and all the other allergists I've seen, approach... "...Well I don't think there's any use in tracking that with my asthma patients. I just don't see how that could be of any value in my management of their asthma." Now I'm paraphrasing, but in a nutshell that is what she said to my question regarding the connection between elevated cholesterol and liver function and asthma and the studies that show a link between the two... and how people with liver disease (not saying we have it) can have elevated IGE levels because b-cells can be differentiated into IGE antibodies in the LIVER and taking steps to detox the liver and improve its function can lower IGE levels....
(I should add that years back my son had a cholesterol test - standard blood draw panel from the chiropractor that we went to see - and it was slightly elevated - at the time he was in the 25% for weight).
Look, I'll be the first to admit it. I did not go to medical school. I read and think about lowering my son's IGE levels and healing him... maybe a bit too much. And, I've turned my life upside down on this quest. But it doesn't mean that I'm not onto something.
Then she followed up the earlier statement with a chuckle and a "It's not like I'm a hepatologist. Why don't you talk to your pediatrician about that." Not too go off on a total rant, but it's amazing to me how we can discuss in the corporate world the idea that "silos" are bad - that is the disconnect between departments in a structure or group that is trying to achieve a common goal. It makes for redundant and sometimes counter-effective efforts, major opportunities for screw ups, and it just sucks resources out when smaller efforts would be equally if not more effective - if there was just productive cross communication between departments. So why have we allowed our health care to be silo'ed - oh sorry, I just woke up - profits.
Ok enough of a rant. I think I made my point. And this experience further affirms for me the need to really see most doctors as tools. Not that they are stupid or bad - but ultimately you as a patient on the pursuit of health need to recognize that you must consult the professionals and then go off and do your own due diligence before just taking their word for what is best. Doctors ultimately, the majority of them at least, are, as my allergist above so eloquently put it, in the the field of disease and illness "management." Do not expect them to heal you.
But back to our IGE update. So status as of this visit (and I'm working on a graph):
IGE back up to 1165 from 1072 in June
Asthma issue not so good - could be from cold but also tells me I'm not doing my best - back to flovent 1 puff 2 times a day, and when he has a cold - 2 puffs 2 times a day.
Skin test for avocado negative - so we are super slowly - in an effort to manage my anxiety with the process - going to introduce over the next couple weeks. My son, who is nursing cold, was so excited at the prospect of a new food that he begged me to give him some when we got home. I, of course in total neurotic me fashion, gave him a small dot of a smidge on the tip of one fork prong.
We can focus less on weight gain - my son is in the 60% (this time last year 25-50%) for his age and weight. Now I can pull back on the carbs and push more veggies (which I have always done - but before I've let him eat more carbs just for calories). I think this weight gain is about the camel milk. He has gained nearly 10 pounds over the last 12 months - in comparison to a 2-3 pound weight gain in years prior.
Now what does the above mean moving forwards?
Well I am scheduled to speak with herbalist in the next 2 weeks. I want to discuss modifying our protocol - I really don't feel like I am getting a payoff for the efforts it takes to get him to swallow the 28 or so (not counting vitamins) capsules a day. I feel like after 1.5 years, we'd see more improvement - even with our not so great compliance these last couple months. I've read about some other herbs that have been shown to be much more potently IGE decreasing.
I feel like we've experienced the IGE curve they discussed in the study where they used 1 gram of sodium ascorbate with some children who had elevated IGE levels and other issues as well - but basically within the first 6 months, IGE levels dropped only to slowly rise back up to they began over the following 1.5 years.
I am examining some probiotic options - of course the strains that I can find that are linked to reducing IGE levels - are currently in mixtures grown on and containing traces of dairy - still verbotten.
This next year will be about the liver - I have a theory about my son. My theory is this - he got completely thrown out of whack with the antibiotics in the first moments of his life - so his flora got totally set off in the wrong direction. Then, and this is before that, I believe that in the womb or somewhere after, his liver became loaded with toxins. I don't want to go into too much self beating here - but I just was not the most thoughtful pregnant woman - dietwise, home remodeling-wise... just not thoughtful. Also, I do believe that all the vaccines added fuel to this combo and that coupled with a possible propensity for IGE production (his father has allergies to cats and possibly eggs) made for a perfect storm. And now it's my job to make it right.
So back to the liver - 2013 - the year of liver detox. The only thing is slow - because as Dr. Levy said in a speech I saw - "Detoxification can be retoxification." So I'm not sure yet how to approach this - beyond I've read about some supplements and vitamins I'm exploring.
Bring back the veggie juice campaign. I'm going to reinstate the veggie juice efforts with my son to get his antioxidant capacity boosted. Important all around - especially for asthma. I may break out the blender or other modern day device to overcome the obstacle of cleaning my juicer after each use. Another 2013 push - something is better than nothing perfect. IE, blender usage for juicing or smaller juicer - for me better than not doing it because I don't have time or energy to haul out my big juicer.
Bring back kung fu - we stopped going to kung fu in the summer because the teacher we were studying under kind of went over the deep end. I've found another school I'm happy with - but it involves a drive and $150/month. I think though now, that part of what made his pft test better in June was all the nutritional efforts, the first 6 month boost of vit C, and kung fu.
Links to articles that inspired above:
Sodium ascorbate and IGE
Cholesterol and asthma
Liver and IGE
Liver X receptors control IGE expression in B cells
Increase antioxidant capacity with fruit and vegetable consumption
Antioxidant capacity and pulmonary function
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
MRSA boil topical approach
I recently met someone who had also battled MRSA. It never ceases to amaze me how all over it is. In fact, I am more convinced that the majority of people (if they've ever been in a hospital) are carriers. I remember the nurse at the infectious disease doc telling me that she believed the majority of health care workers are carriers as well.
It's interesting because while we were traveling, I had to take my son to the urgent care facilities due to a spiking fever (101 - 103.6) and rich cough for - well - the entire duration of the trip. When I finally took him in - the doctor there gave us 3 antibiotics - oral, for my son's eye (because I mentioned that he had some eye crust the day before), and ear (because the doc thought his ear was looking like it may be starting an infection).
When I asked what these were for - he said bronchitis. I asked - "What if it's viral?" He responded "If it was my son, I'd give him the antibiotics," with an air that seemed to scream "DUH LADY - Just do what I say OK!" We also had an issue with the asthma - so he recommended upping the flovent (which we did). Upping the flovent was all we did - for several reasons. But it struck me - that in this day and age - I wonder if antibiotics should be given at all without doing some sort of sputum testing or something. I mean - how can you know whether or not the medicine will work for whatever particular bacteria it is you think you're fighting. I think this guy was really just old school - but having the MRSA experience really gave me a weariness for antibiotics. Of course, they need to be in the arsenal - but as a last - last - last resort - and once susceptibility testing has been done.
For my son, I upped vitamin C, gave him extra zinc (about 10 mgs), magnesium, cod liver oil, a concoction of honey, acv, and water (which he hated but drank), AND our Qigong teacher gave him an intense massage for about 45 minutes. After that, he fell asleep for a couple hours. (I must disclose that he had taken a dose of benedryl an hour earlier, which makes him sleepy) - but after he awoke a couple hours later, the fever did not return and the cough died down.
Upon our return home, we did a session of hydrotherapy - and all was once again good in the world.
But back to the woman I met. Apparently, she had MRSA on her leg - done the oral antibiotic thing - and it kept returning. She told me that she had recently gotten a small boil on her leg again - and she took this topical gel called tecnu first aid gel (formerly known as Staphseptic - but re-branded because the FDA was after them for marketing that it killed MRSA - which according to my acquaintance it actually did do) put a glob onto the boil - then with a needle she scrapped the boil until it started to bleed. Using cotton swabs, she squeezed out all the pus - constantly reapplying the gel to make sure that it was always covered. Until, she had basically bled it out. Yet more gel and She claimed that by the next day - it was well on its way to healing. Amazing. According to her, the tecnu gel must get into the wound - she couldn't just put it on the boil and it would make it go away - that is why she bled it.
Now I am not recommending you do this - just sharing someone's experience.
I mentioned vitamin C additionally to her. From my experience, I needed the battle won internally - but maybe as a 1-2 - tecnu gel and vitamin C could work together.
Just something to be aware of.
It's interesting because while we were traveling, I had to take my son to the urgent care facilities due to a spiking fever (101 - 103.6) and rich cough for - well - the entire duration of the trip. When I finally took him in - the doctor there gave us 3 antibiotics - oral, for my son's eye (because I mentioned that he had some eye crust the day before), and ear (because the doc thought his ear was looking like it may be starting an infection).
When I asked what these were for - he said bronchitis. I asked - "What if it's viral?" He responded "If it was my son, I'd give him the antibiotics," with an air that seemed to scream "DUH LADY - Just do what I say OK!" We also had an issue with the asthma - so he recommended upping the flovent (which we did). Upping the flovent was all we did - for several reasons. But it struck me - that in this day and age - I wonder if antibiotics should be given at all without doing some sort of sputum testing or something. I mean - how can you know whether or not the medicine will work for whatever particular bacteria it is you think you're fighting. I think this guy was really just old school - but having the MRSA experience really gave me a weariness for antibiotics. Of course, they need to be in the arsenal - but as a last - last - last resort - and once susceptibility testing has been done.
For my son, I upped vitamin C, gave him extra zinc (about 10 mgs), magnesium, cod liver oil, a concoction of honey, acv, and water (which he hated but drank), AND our Qigong teacher gave him an intense massage for about 45 minutes. After that, he fell asleep for a couple hours. (I must disclose that he had taken a dose of benedryl an hour earlier, which makes him sleepy) - but after he awoke a couple hours later, the fever did not return and the cough died down.
Upon our return home, we did a session of hydrotherapy - and all was once again good in the world.
But back to the woman I met. Apparently, she had MRSA on her leg - done the oral antibiotic thing - and it kept returning. She told me that she had recently gotten a small boil on her leg again - and she took this topical gel called tecnu first aid gel (formerly known as Staphseptic - but re-branded because the FDA was after them for marketing that it killed MRSA - which according to my acquaintance it actually did do) put a glob onto the boil - then with a needle she scrapped the boil until it started to bleed. Using cotton swabs, she squeezed out all the pus - constantly reapplying the gel to make sure that it was always covered. Until, she had basically bled it out. Yet more gel and She claimed that by the next day - it was well on its way to healing. Amazing. According to her, the tecnu gel must get into the wound - she couldn't just put it on the boil and it would make it go away - that is why she bled it.
Now I am not recommending you do this - just sharing someone's experience.
I mentioned vitamin C additionally to her. From my experience, I needed the battle won internally - but maybe as a 1-2 - tecnu gel and vitamin C could work together.
Tecnu contains benzethonium chloride - not so in love with this chemical. See safety sheet here.Just something to be aware of.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Guo Lin Qi Gong for Cancer and Chronic Illness
It's taken me about a week to recover from the trip to meet the Guo Lin Qigong master and learn the practice. It was a rather intense trip.
There is so much to discuss here - this post will briefly cover a little about the people who we met and some of the general principals and ideas of the practice. I got to do some interviews and am working to have those up at some point.
What is Qigong?
A many thousand year old Chinese practice that involves coordinated and relaxed breath and movements. Qigong is about building Qi - or life force - or prana - or vital energy.
Guo Lin Qigong is the only form of Qigong that involves a walking exercise... in fact, a large part of the practice is walking.
Guo Lin Qigong (and I would imagine other forms as well) are about gathering and building energy, as opposed to exercise which expels and uses energy. I feel more energized after practice, not in the same way as the initial buzz after regular exercise, it's more gentle and long lasting.
Guo Lin Qigong is a specific practice that was created by Master Guo Lin to cure herself of terminal cancer. The inheritress of Taoist texts and lineage, she practiced Qigong but did not find that it helped her as her cancer progressed. However, she was convinced that there were Qigong exercises that would, and so she went back to ancient texts and created what is known as Guo Lin Qigong. Master Guo Lin went on to live another 30 plus years, ultimately dying of a stroke. She worked up to the end.
Cut to our Master Sun. Master Sun too was diagnosed with breast cancer in her mid-forties. She had her breasts removed and did chemo and radiation. I am not sure how much later, but the cancer returned and had metastisized into her lungs. The surgeons opened her up and then immediately closed her, telling her there was nothing they could do. She was given a death sentence and sent home. She and her husband found Guo Lin Qigong through an article they read. And immediately Master Sun began to practice. I am not sure what herbs or diets she also took on, but I do know that Master Sun frowns upon sugar and too many carbs or meats.
From there Master Sun joined a group and began to practice, I believe 3 hours a day. Six or so years later, she sought out Master Guo Lin to learn directly from her. Master Sun continues to this day, 30 plus years later to practice at least an hour a day and is, and has been for more than 2 decades, cancer free.
To be able to personally be taught by someone of Master Sun's history and lineage was an honor.
I met several other members of Master Sun's group. Some starting out on their journey like a stage 4 kidney cancer patient who experienced a 40% reduction in the size of his tumor after practicing for about a couple months (but also he is taking a drug designed to halt the growth of the tumor - I say that because although the drug was not known to shrink tumors I just feel it's fair to share this info), a young esophageal cancer patient (he did surgery, chemo and radiation and was about four months into his journey), a man who had cancer of the tracea about 10 years prior (he did chemo and surgery as well, but said his practice helped him speed recover and gather more energy) .... other members I did not meet - like a woman who had sixteen years prior been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer who was beyond the bounds of medicine and so did not do chemo, radiation, or surgery (it took her nearly 8 years, as the tumors shrunk and then calcified, to be completely cancer free).
Master Sun taught us the level one exercises for the health issues I mention in a previous post.
Guo Lin Qigong Lesson.
Our practice schedules are intensive - and it is recommended that we practice an hour a day outdoors in fresh air under the sun. This so far, has not been possible. However, I do know that when I practiced with Master Sun, I felt better. So now my mission is to integrate that into our daily lives - a challenge that I will patiently and persistently work on.
There is so much to discuss here - this post will briefly cover a little about the people who we met and some of the general principals and ideas of the practice. I got to do some interviews and am working to have those up at some point.
What is Qigong?
A many thousand year old Chinese practice that involves coordinated and relaxed breath and movements. Qigong is about building Qi - or life force - or prana - or vital energy.
Guo Lin Qigong is the only form of Qigong that involves a walking exercise... in fact, a large part of the practice is walking.
Guo Lin Qigong (and I would imagine other forms as well) are about gathering and building energy, as opposed to exercise which expels and uses energy. I feel more energized after practice, not in the same way as the initial buzz after regular exercise, it's more gentle and long lasting.
Guo Lin Qigong is a specific practice that was created by Master Guo Lin to cure herself of terminal cancer. The inheritress of Taoist texts and lineage, she practiced Qigong but did not find that it helped her as her cancer progressed. However, she was convinced that there were Qigong exercises that would, and so she went back to ancient texts and created what is known as Guo Lin Qigong. Master Guo Lin went on to live another 30 plus years, ultimately dying of a stroke. She worked up to the end.
Cut to our Master Sun. Master Sun too was diagnosed with breast cancer in her mid-forties. She had her breasts removed and did chemo and radiation. I am not sure how much later, but the cancer returned and had metastisized into her lungs. The surgeons opened her up and then immediately closed her, telling her there was nothing they could do. She was given a death sentence and sent home. She and her husband found Guo Lin Qigong through an article they read. And immediately Master Sun began to practice. I am not sure what herbs or diets she also took on, but I do know that Master Sun frowns upon sugar and too many carbs or meats.
From there Master Sun joined a group and began to practice, I believe 3 hours a day. Six or so years later, she sought out Master Guo Lin to learn directly from her. Master Sun continues to this day, 30 plus years later to practice at least an hour a day and is, and has been for more than 2 decades, cancer free.
To be able to personally be taught by someone of Master Sun's history and lineage was an honor.
I met several other members of Master Sun's group. Some starting out on their journey like a stage 4 kidney cancer patient who experienced a 40% reduction in the size of his tumor after practicing for about a couple months (but also he is taking a drug designed to halt the growth of the tumor - I say that because although the drug was not known to shrink tumors I just feel it's fair to share this info), a young esophageal cancer patient (he did surgery, chemo and radiation and was about four months into his journey), a man who had cancer of the tracea about 10 years prior (he did chemo and surgery as well, but said his practice helped him speed recover and gather more energy) .... other members I did not meet - like a woman who had sixteen years prior been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer who was beyond the bounds of medicine and so did not do chemo, radiation, or surgery (it took her nearly 8 years, as the tumors shrunk and then calcified, to be completely cancer free).
Master Sun taught us the level one exercises for the health issues I mention in a previous post.
Guo Lin Qigong Lesson.
Our practice schedules are intensive - and it is recommended that we practice an hour a day outdoors in fresh air under the sun. This so far, has not been possible. However, I do know that when I practiced with Master Sun, I felt better. So now my mission is to integrate that into our daily lives - a challenge that I will patiently and persistently work on.
Beyond Food Allergies, Allergies, and Asthma - or Why I can't stop thinking about giving my son worms
Anyone who lives with food allergies and/or asthma knows - it can really make life, regular life, school life, travel life, social life... challenging. Depending on the severity and the number of food allergies, for example, it can make eating out frightening, if not impossible. Doing things spontaneously, or longer than planned, can be problematic if you have to get home to prepare food that is safe. You just can stay later and then catch a bite on the way home. Distances traveled, and the amount of time you can be somewhere, are dictated by the proximity and access to safe foods and emergency medical care if needed.
This has been our life for the past 7 years. My son has yet to eat the food in a restaurant (not that most food is something so palatable that I bemoan it's absence, but...). I've flown with him once, when he was about 5 months old and "food allergies" wasn't yet part of our vocabulary. We've missed parties, playdates, events, trips.... all because of food. Well, food, fear of food, and then my own fatigue at somehow coordinating these things safely and prepping something that he'd actually eat - which sometimes just becomes too much for me - so I cheap out and we avoid. I'm not proud of this - but I am doing the best that I can.
Enter: an article of interest
There is a health group that I belong to from whom I get frequent emails. Always interesting, sometimes impressively informative, and just persistently present. One day I got an email "Article of Interest." These are the emails I wait for. They are usually relevant publications with scientific backing that add to my arsenal of information.
And so I opened it, and clicked Men's Health: The New, Ancient Cure for Immune Disorders.
The article is a tear jerking (for me and others living with food allergy) and fantasy provoking story about two separate individuals, who for health reasons (one life threatening food allergies and asphyxiating asthma, the other for debilitating Crohns), allow themselves to be infected with helminths... worms... parasites.
"Yuk," my mother gagged as I read this to her in between my son's music classes. "Why would anyone want to do that?"
Good question. So I thought about it. Why would anyone want to do that? Why would we maybe want to do that?
Let's go back to the article for a moment. In it, a man, Bear C he is called, the one with the food allergies and asthma, the one who previously would be thrust into anaphylaxis if he ate a peanut... that one - mistakenly eats half a bag of potato chips fried in peanut oil. Upon realizing this - what do you think he does - of course, I must reveal at this point that he is hosting a tapeworm - does he panic and call 911? Inject himself? Die?
None of the above. He finishes said bag.
That's where I wanted to cry. Not that I'd necessarily feel comfortable enough, even if my son was hosting a tapeworm, to give him peanut products - but the fact that he lived. That his immune system was quiet while he enjoyed, and after he enjoyed, these chips.... that's where the joy is.
Why would anyone want to host worms? Why would we want to host worms?
I can imagine eating out. I can imagine traveling. Not even traveling, I can imagine going to a party with my son, and not having to huddle and hide from the food table... not have to ask everyone before we shake their hand, they touch him... What did you eat? Can you go wash your hands? Take flack from disgruntled parents who just don't get why they can't send their kid on the field trip with a peanut butter sandwich. Worry about spilled milk. Buy bread baked at a bakery without worrying about sesames or eggs. Eat grapes and melon in the spring without itchy lips and mouth. Work more since I could send my son to school with a safe lunch that he would actually eat. Be a part of more things. Travel and stay in hotels and areas without worrying about an asthma attack, or where the ER is, or why he just coughed.
I know that we are currently committed to our protocol - but I can't get those worms out of my mind. It's like being in a serious relationship and just wanting the guy in the next cube so badly, you can't even focus on your work. Well - a bit like that.
It's actually better. Freeing my son of food allergies and asthma, would be the best thing I could even imagine. Nay, it will be amazing and I can't wait.
This has been our life for the past 7 years. My son has yet to eat the food in a restaurant (not that most food is something so palatable that I bemoan it's absence, but...). I've flown with him once, when he was about 5 months old and "food allergies" wasn't yet part of our vocabulary. We've missed parties, playdates, events, trips.... all because of food. Well, food, fear of food, and then my own fatigue at somehow coordinating these things safely and prepping something that he'd actually eat - which sometimes just becomes too much for me - so I cheap out and we avoid. I'm not proud of this - but I am doing the best that I can.
Enter: an article of interest
There is a health group that I belong to from whom I get frequent emails. Always interesting, sometimes impressively informative, and just persistently present. One day I got an email "Article of Interest." These are the emails I wait for. They are usually relevant publications with scientific backing that add to my arsenal of information.
And so I opened it, and clicked Men's Health: The New, Ancient Cure for Immune Disorders.
The article is a tear jerking (for me and others living with food allergy) and fantasy provoking story about two separate individuals, who for health reasons (one life threatening food allergies and asphyxiating asthma, the other for debilitating Crohns), allow themselves to be infected with helminths... worms... parasites.
"Yuk," my mother gagged as I read this to her in between my son's music classes. "Why would anyone want to do that?"
Good question. So I thought about it. Why would anyone want to do that? Why would we maybe want to do that?
Let's go back to the article for a moment. In it, a man, Bear C he is called, the one with the food allergies and asthma, the one who previously would be thrust into anaphylaxis if he ate a peanut... that one - mistakenly eats half a bag of potato chips fried in peanut oil. Upon realizing this - what do you think he does - of course, I must reveal at this point that he is hosting a tapeworm - does he panic and call 911? Inject himself? Die?
None of the above. He finishes said bag.
That's where I wanted to cry. Not that I'd necessarily feel comfortable enough, even if my son was hosting a tapeworm, to give him peanut products - but the fact that he lived. That his immune system was quiet while he enjoyed, and after he enjoyed, these chips.... that's where the joy is.
Why would anyone want to host worms? Why would we want to host worms?
I can imagine eating out. I can imagine traveling. Not even traveling, I can imagine going to a party with my son, and not having to huddle and hide from the food table... not have to ask everyone before we shake their hand, they touch him... What did you eat? Can you go wash your hands? Take flack from disgruntled parents who just don't get why they can't send their kid on the field trip with a peanut butter sandwich. Worry about spilled milk. Buy bread baked at a bakery without worrying about sesames or eggs. Eat grapes and melon in the spring without itchy lips and mouth. Work more since I could send my son to school with a safe lunch that he would actually eat. Be a part of more things. Travel and stay in hotels and areas without worrying about an asthma attack, or where the ER is, or why he just coughed.
I know that we are currently committed to our protocol - but I can't get those worms out of my mind. It's like being in a serious relationship and just wanting the guy in the next cube so badly, you can't even focus on your work. Well - a bit like that.
It's actually better. Freeing my son of food allergies and asthma, would be the best thing I could even imagine. Nay, it will be amazing and I can't wait.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Guo Lin QiGong Lessons and Traveling with Food Allergies and Asthma
So we are preparing to travel to see the Master and learn the Guo Lin QiGong. While the fundamentals of each of our exercises will be the same (myself, my son, and my mother), the Master has prescribed some different exercises for each of our ailments.
Our goals for learning are:
My Mother
Normalize her high blood pressure
Get rid of chronic cough that plagues her
Stop and possibly reverse the progression of rheumatoid arthritis
Address her hypothyroidism
prevent cancer
heal the painful ovarian cysts that I have been having in the last several months
improve my digestion and reflux
gain more energy
and also - I'd like to strengthen my kidneys
My Son's
Heal the food allergies and asthma
Address the issue that makes him sweat most nights (it is not uncommon for me to change his shirt in the middle of the night because he's wet with sweat - not soaking, but wet). His father had a sweat during sleep issue, but according to Chinese Medicine, this causes him to lose much energy - so we will be addressing.
Heal the food allergies and asthma
Of course in total pre-trip chaos, my son woke, after nighttime coughing, this morning with a red pussy eye, cough, and now he's got a little fever. Lovely. Trying to break through this before we set out on our journey. Giving 3-4 grams vit C every 24 hours, along with quercenase (quercetin and bromelain), an additional supp with zinc, magnesium, cod liver oil - sheesh.
Another issue - or stress rather - is food. Of course, we are driving about 12 hours - so I will be feeding my son on the road because we cannot eat any of the food on route. But then we will need to either consume or dump and fruits and vegetables before we hit the border, since they will not be allowed to cross with us. So our target, before even the hotel, will be the nearest organic stocked market so that we can stock up on what we could not bring. We will, as I've been instructed by Canadian Border Department, be able to cross with our dried packaged goods, possibly some of our meat, and hopefully some bottled things like tomato sauce... little things that I am not sure I'd be able to get at another store.
We have a suite with kitchen - thankfully - this trip will not entail cooking on my electric double burner. I sprang for the extra money because I felt like there's already so much to deal with - having to worry about getting kicked out of the hotel because of our vagabond cooking - would put me over the edge. Especially since I'll be baking bread in the slow cooker (which I'm bringing).
One of our trips to New York city was somewhat awful because we got trapped in a fancy hotel in Manhattan, that basically said I could not cook in the room because they not only had smoke detectors but heat sensors directly wired to the fire department. So we were stuck with only a microwave - needless to say my son lived practically on our only safe bagels for about 24 hours - until we could high tail it out of town.
Here is our usual food allergy travel set-up - usually the less expensive motels are best for this set-up - but those hotels can also suck for asthma issues. So now we're kind of middle-brow - hoping that the room is not too dustmite infested. At any rate, some images from one of our trips - our cooking for food allergy set up.
Our goals for learning are:
My Mother
Normalize her high blood pressure
Get rid of chronic cough that plagues her
Stop and possibly reverse the progression of rheumatoid arthritis
Address her hypothyroidism
prevent cancer
heal the painful ovarian cysts that I have been having in the last several months
improve my digestion and reflux
gain more energy
and also - I'd like to strengthen my kidneys
My Son's
Heal the food allergies and asthma
Address the issue that makes him sweat most nights (it is not uncommon for me to change his shirt in the middle of the night because he's wet with sweat - not soaking, but wet). His father had a sweat during sleep issue, but according to Chinese Medicine, this causes him to lose much energy - so we will be addressing.
Heal the food allergies and asthma
Of course in total pre-trip chaos, my son woke, after nighttime coughing, this morning with a red pussy eye, cough, and now he's got a little fever. Lovely. Trying to break through this before we set out on our journey. Giving 3-4 grams vit C every 24 hours, along with quercenase (quercetin and bromelain), an additional supp with zinc, magnesium, cod liver oil - sheesh.
Another issue - or stress rather - is food. Of course, we are driving about 12 hours - so I will be feeding my son on the road because we cannot eat any of the food on route. But then we will need to either consume or dump and fruits and vegetables before we hit the border, since they will not be allowed to cross with us. So our target, before even the hotel, will be the nearest organic stocked market so that we can stock up on what we could not bring. We will, as I've been instructed by Canadian Border Department, be able to cross with our dried packaged goods, possibly some of our meat, and hopefully some bottled things like tomato sauce... little things that I am not sure I'd be able to get at another store.
We have a suite with kitchen - thankfully - this trip will not entail cooking on my electric double burner. I sprang for the extra money because I felt like there's already so much to deal with - having to worry about getting kicked out of the hotel because of our vagabond cooking - would put me over the edge. Especially since I'll be baking bread in the slow cooker (which I'm bringing).
One of our trips to New York city was somewhat awful because we got trapped in a fancy hotel in Manhattan, that basically said I could not cook in the room because they not only had smoke detectors but heat sensors directly wired to the fire department. So we were stuck with only a microwave - needless to say my son lived practically on our only safe bagels for about 24 hours - until we could high tail it out of town.
Here is our usual food allergy travel set-up - usually the less expensive motels are best for this set-up - but those hotels can also suck for asthma issues. So now we're kind of middle-brow - hoping that the room is not too dustmite infested. At any rate, some images from one of our trips - our cooking for food allergy set up.
Traveling with Food Allergy pots, pans, dishes |
Traveling with Food Allergy - cooking on the double electric burners. |
Traveling with Food Allergy - nothing worse than washing your veggies in tiny motel sink. |
Traveling with Food Allergy - open the windows so we don't set off alarm |
Traveling with Food Allergy - cramming tiny fridge with food. |
Traveling with Food Allergy - I once roasted a lamb shank in a motel bathroom just like this. |
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Ginger and my Ovaries
The pain started back in January of 2012. And honestly at first I thought it was a gas issue. Nothing pretty to discuss there - but it was what I thought. At the time also I was beginning Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang - which according to my herbalist can cause some intestinal distress. So I shrugged it off.
Well months moved forward until the pain was totally taking me over. I could not sleep on my right side because the weight of my own body on that side hurt. It was a constant pain that woke me from sleep and followed me everywhere. There were many instances where I would white knuckle it through until it subsided. I didn't have insurance. But in desperation, I went to the doctor, a primary care physician, who took my money and then sent me home telling me to avoid dairy (which I told her I did). Needless to say, I ended up in the ER in August.
An ultra sound reported an enlarged follicle and ovary on my right side. Crap that hurts.
I have drank apple cider vinegar, been taking Chinese herbs on and off, taking magnesium... The pain has gone down significantly, but not all the way. After my period ends the pain starts again. Less, but still there. Of course the obsessive worrier and researcher that I am, I found some interesting research with iodine and ginger.
Currently, I take (about 3 days a week) 5 drops of lugols and I've been blending about an inch of ginger root with some apple/carrot juice. This is an intense combo. I did that 3 times this week and it brought the pain down further. I took 3 days off, and I'll start again tomorrow. The pain is still there, but greatly diminished - plus I'm just so damn sensitive to that area now - it makes me aware of every little ache.
I'll see how this week goes. Ginger is a powerful herb and not something that I will take daily - there are many studies that show it has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-viral properties - but side effects can also be things like it thins the blood, has in mouse studies been linked to bone loss and reduced testicle size (not that I am concerned about that)... But I am taking a log. Bottom line it has helped change something inside my body to quell the ovarian pain. I guess I'll see what that means when I return for an ultrasound at the end of this month. Until then I plan on doing the intense ginger and iodine regime 2-3 days a week until all the pain is gone.
Well months moved forward until the pain was totally taking me over. I could not sleep on my right side because the weight of my own body on that side hurt. It was a constant pain that woke me from sleep and followed me everywhere. There were many instances where I would white knuckle it through until it subsided. I didn't have insurance. But in desperation, I went to the doctor, a primary care physician, who took my money and then sent me home telling me to avoid dairy (which I told her I did). Needless to say, I ended up in the ER in August.
An ultra sound reported an enlarged follicle and ovary on my right side. Crap that hurts.
I have drank apple cider vinegar, been taking Chinese herbs on and off, taking magnesium... The pain has gone down significantly, but not all the way. After my period ends the pain starts again. Less, but still there. Of course the obsessive worrier and researcher that I am, I found some interesting research with iodine and ginger.
Currently, I take (about 3 days a week) 5 drops of lugols and I've been blending about an inch of ginger root with some apple/carrot juice. This is an intense combo. I did that 3 times this week and it brought the pain down further. I took 3 days off, and I'll start again tomorrow. The pain is still there, but greatly diminished - plus I'm just so damn sensitive to that area now - it makes me aware of every little ache.
I'll see how this week goes. Ginger is a powerful herb and not something that I will take daily - there are many studies that show it has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-viral properties - but side effects can also be things like it thins the blood, has in mouse studies been linked to bone loss and reduced testicle size (not that I am concerned about that)... But I am taking a log. Bottom line it has helped change something inside my body to quell the ovarian pain. I guess I'll see what that means when I return for an ultrasound at the end of this month. Until then I plan on doing the intense ginger and iodine regime 2-3 days a week until all the pain is gone.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Arsenic, Rice Dream, and White Coated Tongue
So, we quit all rice products about 6 weeks ago. My son would eat rice noodles, rice grain, bars with rice in them, and especially Rice Dream in his morning oatmeal. Since quitting we've found it somewhat challenging to fill that gap - but we now rely more heavily on camel milk. So we've used that to fill the gap. I am extremely disappointed in how this whole thing has gone down - and while I appreciate the efforts that Lundberg Farms are making to be transparent and work with establishing a testing plan - I am not comforted by the FDA's advice to not change rice consumption habits.
Apparently, 2015 is the target for setting safe limits of arsenic in food. It is amazing how slow that is - in comparison to say the explosive speed in areas like fracking approval. Three years to establish safe limits. That to me is total lobbyist bull-crap at its finest. I'm not interested in establishing safe limits - in my mind, they've already been established (the water limits seem like a good benchmark - although they could probably be even more strict) - I care about getting it out of the food immediately.
So, until that time comes, we are doing our best to stay off of rice. I'm sure there are other problems with other foods - but we can only make decisions about what we know at this point (my own way of talking myself off the ledge of obsessing).
At any rate, my son has had for the last several years, a pretty perpetually white coated tongue. Of course the pediatrician said - "eh, it's just the way he is." The Chinese Doctor said, "he's got greasy tongue." And me - well I think it's not so good. But I have not been able to clean it up. Today, I noticed that his tongue is the clearest its been since I've noticed. The only thing I can attribute it to is stopping the rice products and rice dream especially (since that is huge no-no for kids according to consumer reports).
So then I looked up "arsenic white coated tongue," nothing came back as of yet - I haven't gone very deep in the research. But one forum linked arsenic to candida issues (like arsenic, in all it's glory, can also contribute to candida issues). And candida is linked to a coated tongue. I'm not saying it's for sure, but it is really the only thing I've done differently in the last 6 weeks - dump rice from our diet - and now his tongue is clear. Interesting.
Has anyone else quit rice and found any interesting things happen?
This inspires me to think further about the ALA detox - not moving on that yet, but it is in my sights for further research.
Apparently, 2015 is the target for setting safe limits of arsenic in food. It is amazing how slow that is - in comparison to say the explosive speed in areas like fracking approval. Three years to establish safe limits. That to me is total lobbyist bull-crap at its finest. I'm not interested in establishing safe limits - in my mind, they've already been established (the water limits seem like a good benchmark - although they could probably be even more strict) - I care about getting it out of the food immediately.
So, until that time comes, we are doing our best to stay off of rice. I'm sure there are other problems with other foods - but we can only make decisions about what we know at this point (my own way of talking myself off the ledge of obsessing).
At any rate, my son has had for the last several years, a pretty perpetually white coated tongue. Of course the pediatrician said - "eh, it's just the way he is." The Chinese Doctor said, "he's got greasy tongue." And me - well I think it's not so good. But I have not been able to clean it up. Today, I noticed that his tongue is the clearest its been since I've noticed. The only thing I can attribute it to is stopping the rice products and rice dream especially (since that is huge no-no for kids according to consumer reports).
So then I looked up "arsenic white coated tongue," nothing came back as of yet - I haven't gone very deep in the research. But one forum linked arsenic to candida issues (like arsenic, in all it's glory, can also contribute to candida issues). And candida is linked to a coated tongue. I'm not saying it's for sure, but it is really the only thing I've done differently in the last 6 weeks - dump rice from our diet - and now his tongue is clear. Interesting.
Has anyone else quit rice and found any interesting things happen?
This inspires me to think further about the ALA detox - not moving on that yet, but it is in my sights for further research.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
GuoLin Qi Gong for Cancer and Other Chronic Ailments
I have not written in awhile. I've been working for the last year - super slowly - on a documentary about our healing journey. I have amassed quite a few interviews and am now in the process of editing - and ultimately looking for an editor - to work on putting all this together.
I have also been working to prepare to study some GuoLin Qigong. GuoLin Qigong was designed to heal a body of cancer and other chronic illnesses. Traditional Chinese Medicine views cancer as a chronic illness. And I am noticing - as friends and family fall prey to its grasp - that it is everywhere. We are poisoning ourselves it is certain. What's more alarming than it's pervasiveness, is the kind of "well what are you going to do about it" aka "you can't do anything" attitude that prevails. A kind of cloud of "well everybody gets it eventually." Not so - I don't remember it always being this way.
So, in my quest for healing information, I am happy to say that in the coming months, I will be traveling with my son, mother, and father to meet and study with a GuoLin Qigong master. She is one of the original, having learned from Master GuoLin herself. And, she is a forty year terminal cancer survivor. So I am excited to meet her and her club members, most of whom are cancer survivors. I am hoping that some of them will agree to be interviewed, as well as the Master.
At any rate, I encourage you to research GuoLin Qigong. It is a specific practice developed by Master GuoLin when she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She was basically told by the doctors that there was nothing left for them to do. Apparently, her family had a lineage of Qigong masters, and she used her contacts, knowledge, and access to ancient texts, to create a Qigong practice designed to conquer her cancer. Needless to say, after many months of practice she herself was clear of cancer. She then went out to teach others, who then were also healed in great numbers. Some practitioners used chemo therapy, some used Traditional Chinese Herbs, some used other methods - all in combination with the GuoLin Qigong practice - to outlive their prognosis' by decades. Ultimately, Master GuoLin died of a stroke some 40 or so years after her terminal diagnosis.
This is a powerful practice, that is not just any form of Qigong.
My family and I will be learning specific elements of the practice to address our health issues. We have communicated our health challenges to the Master, and will go over them when we meet. She is going to then teach us specific regimes to help strengthen and heal our bodies. I am very excited.
I will write and post links to any video as it transpires.
I have also been working to prepare to study some GuoLin Qigong. GuoLin Qigong was designed to heal a body of cancer and other chronic illnesses. Traditional Chinese Medicine views cancer as a chronic illness. And I am noticing - as friends and family fall prey to its grasp - that it is everywhere. We are poisoning ourselves it is certain. What's more alarming than it's pervasiveness, is the kind of "well what are you going to do about it" aka "you can't do anything" attitude that prevails. A kind of cloud of "well everybody gets it eventually." Not so - I don't remember it always being this way.
So, in my quest for healing information, I am happy to say that in the coming months, I will be traveling with my son, mother, and father to meet and study with a GuoLin Qigong master. She is one of the original, having learned from Master GuoLin herself. And, she is a forty year terminal cancer survivor. So I am excited to meet her and her club members, most of whom are cancer survivors. I am hoping that some of them will agree to be interviewed, as well as the Master.
At any rate, I encourage you to research GuoLin Qigong. It is a specific practice developed by Master GuoLin when she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She was basically told by the doctors that there was nothing left for them to do. Apparently, her family had a lineage of Qigong masters, and she used her contacts, knowledge, and access to ancient texts, to create a Qigong practice designed to conquer her cancer. Needless to say, after many months of practice she herself was clear of cancer. She then went out to teach others, who then were also healed in great numbers. Some practitioners used chemo therapy, some used Traditional Chinese Herbs, some used other methods - all in combination with the GuoLin Qigong practice - to outlive their prognosis' by decades. Ultimately, Master GuoLin died of a stroke some 40 or so years after her terminal diagnosis.
This is a powerful practice, that is not just any form of Qigong.
My family and I will be learning specific elements of the practice to address our health issues. We have communicated our health challenges to the Master, and will go over them when we meet. She is going to then teach us specific regimes to help strengthen and heal our bodies. I am very excited.
I will write and post links to any video as it transpires.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Aresenic in my Rice Dream?
With dietary limitations, you come to count on certain products if only because they are are the only options available. Rice milk and rice products have been mainstays for us for over 6 years now.
We drink rice milk, use products with rice syrup, eat rice noodles, rice crackers... rice - rice and more rice. When the first reports came out about the arsenic - I was alarmed but then continued on - somehow blocking it out. Part of me just couldn't deal with taking it out of the diet. Then more articles came out and I have decided to cut our rice consumption way down - eliminating rice milk and rice as much as possible.
I called the Rice Dream makers to ask what testings or protections they have in place to deal with the arsenic contamination. Here is the response I got - after many many minutes (like 12) on hold:
So Hain Celestial DOES NOT TEST its product. They are standing behind their products and they consider them safe. My question - is how do they know that their rice milk is safe? Seems more like they are ignoring - and just not dealing with it until they are forced. And we all know how long that could take especially given that there are no regulations on arsenic levels in food (as far as I can tell).
My point is I pay on average $8.00/gallon for Rice Dream. This is premium stuff. And the operator, nice as pie, only had the company line about - the report being recent, the FDA not recommending any recalls, the company standing behind the product, the naturally occurring arsenic in the soil (not the problem) - but the bottom line is for $8/gallon Celestial Hains does NOT TEST THEIR PRODUCT. I don't care about what the FDA says and whether or not they are being forced to recall or test. I care that I pay a premium and I am getting a cheap unreliable product.
If you are going to charge a premium price - behave like a premium product - or else let's pay what it's really worth (if you want to chance it) - $.99/gallon seems more reasonable to me.
In the meantime, I will be returning all my Rice Dream products and not buying any more. Lundberg rice - on the other hand - has a plan for testing and has admitted to the levels found in their rice matching the EPA test results. While I will continue to keep rice peripheral in our diet - I appreciate their effort and openness. Although best case scenario I'd like to see is figuring out how to get the arsenic out of the soil so that rice is safer.
October 24, 2012
I did find a report of results of arsenic in rice products. You can see what they tested and what the results are. Sadly, rice dream, which I am horrified to think since my son drank lots of it in the last 5-6 years, is not recommended for children to drink at all. So, if you are reading this and giving rice dream to your children - STOP. We stopped all rice products about a month ago. It's meant increased quinoa, wheat, and potato (not so in love with the wheat). But with our limited diet - we are not left with many options yet.
On a high note. Interesting article that warrants further study - linked elevated arsenic levels in children with allergy issues. The children were detoxed using ALA (alpha lipoic acid) and other supplements. After the detox, the allergic symptoms subsided, resistance to infection went up, basically the immune system somewhat rebalanced itself.
Here is the link: Alpha Lipoic Acid, A Novel Therapeutic Agent for Intervention of Childhood Allergies.
I am now keeping ALA on my radar. And I plan on getting a heavy metal test done on my son - in the coming months. An ALA detox is not something I would like to embark on without a trusted professional. Further research necessary.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Ovarian cysts, Chinese herbs, Lugol's Iodine
It has been about a month since starting the Chinese herbs. And I just got my period - this time, without explosively painful cramping that has preceded the last several periods. My pain is down - to nearly all gone. Thankfully.
My protocol
Stopped proteolytic enzymes after about 2 weeks - cannot explain why
Continue Chinese herbs
Started lugol's iodine - about 1 week ago - 5 drops in about 8 oz of water first thing in the morning on empty stomach. I try to not eat for an hour after the dose. Definitely noticed a difference in my energy level and I feel that it put the lid on the pain - pretty much bringing it down to it's present nearly non-existent level.
My protocol
Stopped proteolytic enzymes after about 2 weeks - cannot explain why
Continue Chinese herbs
Started lugol's iodine - about 1 week ago - 5 drops in about 8 oz of water first thing in the morning on empty stomach. I try to not eat for an hour after the dose. Definitely noticed a difference in my energy level and I feel that it put the lid on the pain - pretty much bringing it down to it's present nearly non-existent level.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
MRSA and Vitamin C
This entry is the responses that I posted to a question
Can lypospheric vitamin C help with MRSA?
I just read your post on my blog – and absolutely I do think that the lypospheric vitamin C will help with MRSA. It did for me. As you know, I had MRSA on my face – and the doctors told me that I had a 50% chance of a recurrence. In fact, it seems it is very common to get the MRSA over and over again. My face is clear – although if I stop the lypo – I get new pimples. I think I have to do a 3-6 gram regimen to completely clear it. But I have not yet.
Look at the Levy book – Curing the Incurable. He is the doc who is behind the lypo stuff. I swear by it. It is very expensive and when I get more time I plan on making my own – because from what I can tell if you are treating an infection – you could really take 3, 6, 10 plus – grams a day.
The theory behind the vitamin C – which is a Linus Pauling – is that most people in the developed world have sub-clinical scurvy – which reduces the immune systems ability to fight infection. And when you compare humans to all other animals – like a goat for example. A goat produces something like 10 grams (10,000 mg) of vitamin C when they are not under stress or illness. And the RDA for humans is 400mg (which is not enough in my opinion to help fight infection).
In my opinion – and my experiences – when my 6 year old son had a flu that after 7 days spiked a fever of 102 and really rich cough I gave him 6 grams (6,000 mg) of vitamin C (it was Saturday and we were trying to buy time until pediatrician opened on Monday) for about 2-3 days. Actually at the end of the first day – about 18 hours into it, he was already turning a corner and getting over the illness – the cough was down significantly, apetite returned, fever broke… By Monday – he was fine and we did not go to the doc. I split – 3 grams of lypo and 3 grams of ascorbic acid (the aa I administered as 250 mg every 1/2 to hour) in between the lypo. Lypo I gave every 3-4 hours. In about 2 days, he was back on his feet. I tapered about 1 gram every 2 days. He is on maintenance of 1 gram a day of lypo. I am on 1 gram of lypo a day – but if I miss I get break out starting on my face – as I mentioned. I probably need to do a week or so of 3-6 grams a day to knock this out of my system. I am probably just keeping it at bay.
In my opinion – I would order several boxes of the lypo. Call the company, but I believe Dr Levy recommends 1 gram per year beyond 1 year of age. But call them to confirm. Then try giving that maximum dose. My sense is you will see a phenomenal difference – within 24-48 hours. And then, after things level off – I would try to read up and be prepared to make your own. Because the lypo stuff is basically $1/gram. So it gets pricey. I order on Amazon from a vendor that I have called the company to verify is an approved reseller. Or you may find it cheaper directly from the company.
I am not a doc – only a mom sharing – but we have seen such amazing results – I am super confident you will too – and it is so rapid. There are studies with vitamin C and kids with hyper-IGE – but bear in mind some of these studies were administering 500 mg – again, right medicine, way too low dose – in my opinion. I have given my son 500mg of vitamin C and seen no results. The lypo stuff is the most powerful. Plus I always think in grams now – how many grams until I see a turn around.
My next goal is to make my own. Sorry for rambling. Please let me know what results you see if you do this.
Good luck – I am rooting for you and Moses and your husband. In my opinion this can help boost his immune system significantly.
Denise said:
August 25, 2012 at 10:23 pm
Also, FYI – primates, humans, fruit bats, and guinea pigs – do not produce their own vitamin C. Every other animal does at levels – 20 plus times higher than RDA for humans. In fact, Linus Pauling said in one of his speeches – the RDA for chimps in labs exponentially higher than the RDA for humans. The reason – if you are doing your work and spending money on lab chimps – you want to keep them healthy and alive for the duration of your work.
Denise said:
August 25, 2012 at 10:39 pm
Janice – One more thing – if you can find a doctor who would administer intravenous vitamin C. That too can be a most miraculous turnaround. But that is very challenging to find.
Update as of Sept 3
Janice informed me that her son has G6PD deficiency - and so for him high dose vitamin C can cause hemolytic anemia. Therefore it is contraindicated. I will try and find other suggestions for her to use in her arsenal against MRSA - but at this juncture vitamin C is a no-go - sadly.
I write this to affirm that it you always need to do your own research - and I am not a doctor, nor is my blog a substitute or attempt at medical advise. I know this disclaimer sounds like I am distancing myself from what I write. I am not. I go back to my thought that we are all anecdotes - and as such we all need to do what will work best with our individual constitutions and situations.
Can lypospheric vitamin C help with MRSA?
I just read your post on my blog – and absolutely I do think that the lypospheric vitamin C will help with MRSA. It did for me. As you know, I had MRSA on my face – and the doctors told me that I had a 50% chance of a recurrence. In fact, it seems it is very common to get the MRSA over and over again. My face is clear – although if I stop the lypo – I get new pimples. I think I have to do a 3-6 gram regimen to completely clear it. But I have not yet.
Look at the Levy book – Curing the Incurable. He is the doc who is behind the lypo stuff. I swear by it. It is very expensive and when I get more time I plan on making my own – because from what I can tell if you are treating an infection – you could really take 3, 6, 10 plus – grams a day.
The theory behind the vitamin C – which is a Linus Pauling – is that most people in the developed world have sub-clinical scurvy – which reduces the immune systems ability to fight infection. And when you compare humans to all other animals – like a goat for example. A goat produces something like 10 grams (10,000 mg) of vitamin C when they are not under stress or illness. And the RDA for humans is 400mg (which is not enough in my opinion to help fight infection).
In my opinion – and my experiences – when my 6 year old son had a flu that after 7 days spiked a fever of 102 and really rich cough I gave him 6 grams (6,000 mg) of vitamin C (it was Saturday and we were trying to buy time until pediatrician opened on Monday) for about 2-3 days. Actually at the end of the first day – about 18 hours into it, he was already turning a corner and getting over the illness – the cough was down significantly, apetite returned, fever broke… By Monday – he was fine and we did not go to the doc. I split – 3 grams of lypo and 3 grams of ascorbic acid (the aa I administered as 250 mg every 1/2 to hour) in between the lypo. Lypo I gave every 3-4 hours. In about 2 days, he was back on his feet. I tapered about 1 gram every 2 days. He is on maintenance of 1 gram a day of lypo. I am on 1 gram of lypo a day – but if I miss I get break out starting on my face – as I mentioned. I probably need to do a week or so of 3-6 grams a day to knock this out of my system. I am probably just keeping it at bay.
In my opinion – I would order several boxes of the lypo. Call the company, but I believe Dr Levy recommends 1 gram per year beyond 1 year of age. But call them to confirm. Then try giving that maximum dose. My sense is you will see a phenomenal difference – within 24-48 hours. And then, after things level off – I would try to read up and be prepared to make your own. Because the lypo stuff is basically $1/gram. So it gets pricey. I order on Amazon from a vendor that I have called the company to verify is an approved reseller. Or you may find it cheaper directly from the company.
I am not a doc – only a mom sharing – but we have seen such amazing results – I am super confident you will too – and it is so rapid. There are studies with vitamin C and kids with hyper-IGE – but bear in mind some of these studies were administering 500 mg – again, right medicine, way too low dose – in my opinion. I have given my son 500mg of vitamin C and seen no results. The lypo stuff is the most powerful. Plus I always think in grams now – how many grams until I see a turn around.
My next goal is to make my own. Sorry for rambling. Please let me know what results you see if you do this.
Good luck – I am rooting for you and Moses and your husband. In my opinion this can help boost his immune system significantly.
Denise said:
August 25, 2012 at 10:23 pm
Also, FYI – primates, humans, fruit bats, and guinea pigs – do not produce their own vitamin C. Every other animal does at levels – 20 plus times higher than RDA for humans. In fact, Linus Pauling said in one of his speeches – the RDA for chimps in labs exponentially higher than the RDA for humans. The reason – if you are doing your work and spending money on lab chimps – you want to keep them healthy and alive for the duration of your work.
Denise said:
August 25, 2012 at 10:39 pm
Janice – One more thing – if you can find a doctor who would administer intravenous vitamin C. That too can be a most miraculous turnaround. But that is very challenging to find.
Update as of Sept 3
Janice informed me that her son has G6PD deficiency - and so for him high dose vitamin C can cause hemolytic anemia. Therefore it is contraindicated. I will try and find other suggestions for her to use in her arsenal against MRSA - but at this juncture vitamin C is a no-go - sadly.
I write this to affirm that it you always need to do your own research - and I am not a doctor, nor is my blog a substitute or attempt at medical advise. I know this disclaimer sounds like I am distancing myself from what I write. I am not. I go back to my thought that we are all anecdotes - and as such we all need to do what will work best with our individual constitutions and situations.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Painful ovarian cyst, Chinese herbs, and proteolytic enzymes
So the pain continued despite the ACV. I went last week to see my TCM herbalist. She switched recipes. This new recipe has helped to diminish the pain greatly. I am on a schedule of 3 days per package of herbs and 2 days off. She advised me to drink everyday once my period arrived.
My period arrived yesterday - painfully. And the pain in my side has been pretty much there the entire day. But I am hoping that this is the final clingings of this cyst and that the herbs wash it out, or make it pop, or encourage my body to absorb it.
I'm an animal. I'd like to gnaw my own ovary off and be done. It's not excruciating pain - which it's been in the past - it's just there most of the time. Reminding me of its presence. Freaking me out with worry. Whispering to me of the craptastically long wait at the county hospital with the robotic doctors who by the time they get to you - you are so worn down with waiting you are eagerly submitting to whatever treatments they are rotely prescribing. UGH. Tiny teeth chomping on the cyst tasking it away.
I'm also taking between 9-12 Wobenzym N tablets - hoping that the enzymes will assist in my body's reabsorbing this thing.
I'm fantasizing about poking this cyst - kind of the way you pop a blister on your foot. And then it hurts for a day or so, but it's gone. I actually punched myself in the gut hoping to pop it. Not hard really but with enough force that I felt it. I opted not to punch myself a second time.
Two interesting things have come up in my research regarding the cysts. One brings me back to ACV - potassium and the second one is iodine. I read that ACV has potassium - and that low levels of potassium are associated with ovarian cysts. In fact, low levels of potassium can be linked to many things - kidney stones, hypertension, osteoporosis, stroke... If you read Linus Pauling Institutes assessment of potassium here you will see the great deal of significance it has - even on a cellular level. What's so interesting is that Gerson also discusses the potassium thing. And both Gerson and Linus Pauling admit that the Western diet is several times higher in sodium than potassium, while native diets are the opposite.
What does this mean for us - well I've now started to make an effort to reduce sodium - even though before we were eating sea salt. We're cutting down significantly. We've also begun to look out for sodium in any processed foods we eat. Conversely I've tried to pay more attention to getting potassium into our diet - baked potatoes, fresh squeezed orange juice...
Iodine - something that I am not going to go into to detail today - but needless to say - it too is something that has come up in the ovarian cyst realm. And interestingly enough - something Gerson too writes about. For those of you who don't know - Max Gerson is founder of the Gerson protocol - a rigorous vegan diet, supplement, and coffee enema approach to healing cancer and other chronic diseases. I am contemplating ordering some Lugol's iodine and adding it my diet.
So far - now 4 days into my period the pain has gone down enough that I can, for the first time in over a month, lie on my right side without intense pain. We'll see - I am feeling good about this batch of herbs - last one did not help so the TCM doc created a new one. I've included a picture of the current mixture. I rinse, add 5 cups of H2O, and boil down to about 8 ounces (about 2-3 hours of cooking). Then I drink. The taste is really awful - like sour, muddy, dirty - herby - but like a taste that reminds me of the drinks we would make as kids when we we're bored at weddings or parties my parents too us to. It was the throw everything into the glass until it was brown and chunky - then each kid would take turns sipping to see who could drink the most. Yuk - I keep muttering to myself - the ovarian cysts is diminishing, disappearing, gone - as I drink it. Then I gag, make faces, a swig some water as a chaser. My herbalist said, to drink this for 2 months and go back for another ultrasound and the cyst will be gone. Here's to it being so.
My period arrived yesterday - painfully. And the pain in my side has been pretty much there the entire day. But I am hoping that this is the final clingings of this cyst and that the herbs wash it out, or make it pop, or encourage my body to absorb it.
I'm an animal. I'd like to gnaw my own ovary off and be done. It's not excruciating pain - which it's been in the past - it's just there most of the time. Reminding me of its presence. Freaking me out with worry. Whispering to me of the craptastically long wait at the county hospital with the robotic doctors who by the time they get to you - you are so worn down with waiting you are eagerly submitting to whatever treatments they are rotely prescribing. UGH. Tiny teeth chomping on the cyst tasking it away.
I'm also taking between 9-12 Wobenzym N tablets - hoping that the enzymes will assist in my body's reabsorbing this thing.
I'm fantasizing about poking this cyst - kind of the way you pop a blister on your foot. And then it hurts for a day or so, but it's gone. I actually punched myself in the gut hoping to pop it. Not hard really but with enough force that I felt it. I opted not to punch myself a second time.
Two interesting things have come up in my research regarding the cysts. One brings me back to ACV - potassium and the second one is iodine. I read that ACV has potassium - and that low levels of potassium are associated with ovarian cysts. In fact, low levels of potassium can be linked to many things - kidney stones, hypertension, osteoporosis, stroke... If you read Linus Pauling Institutes assessment of potassium here you will see the great deal of significance it has - even on a cellular level. What's so interesting is that Gerson also discusses the potassium thing. And both Gerson and Linus Pauling admit that the Western diet is several times higher in sodium than potassium, while native diets are the opposite.
What does this mean for us - well I've now started to make an effort to reduce sodium - even though before we were eating sea salt. We're cutting down significantly. We've also begun to look out for sodium in any processed foods we eat. Conversely I've tried to pay more attention to getting potassium into our diet - baked potatoes, fresh squeezed orange juice...
Iodine - something that I am not going to go into to detail today - but needless to say - it too is something that has come up in the ovarian cyst realm. And interestingly enough - something Gerson too writes about. For those of you who don't know - Max Gerson is founder of the Gerson protocol - a rigorous vegan diet, supplement, and coffee enema approach to healing cancer and other chronic diseases. I am contemplating ordering some Lugol's iodine and adding it my diet.
So far - now 4 days into my period the pain has gone down enough that I can, for the first time in over a month, lie on my right side without intense pain. We'll see - I am feeling good about this batch of herbs - last one did not help so the TCM doc created a new one. I've included a picture of the current mixture. I rinse, add 5 cups of H2O, and boil down to about 8 ounces (about 2-3 hours of cooking). Then I drink. The taste is really awful - like sour, muddy, dirty - herby - but like a taste that reminds me of the drinks we would make as kids when we we're bored at weddings or parties my parents too us to. It was the throw everything into the glass until it was brown and chunky - then each kid would take turns sipping to see who could drink the most. Yuk - I keep muttering to myself - the ovarian cysts is diminishing, disappearing, gone - as I drink it. Then I gag, make faces, a swig some water as a chaser. My herbalist said, to drink this for 2 months and go back for another ultrasound and the cyst will be gone. Here's to it being so.
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Traditional Chinese Herbs for Ovarian Cyst |
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
5 alternative healing MUST HAVES
I get overwhelmed lots of times with the amount of 'alternative' therapies there are out there to try. But here are 5 that I have tried and can vouch for.
- Apple Cider Vinegar - A couple of years ago I had gotten plantars warts on my foot. Needless to say, I thought they we're callouses so I buffed them, only to spread them to cover the entire ball of my foot and my middle finger. After $800 in dermatologist payments (I had good insurance at the time), 6 months, and lots of freeze, cut, freeze, cut...PAIN, the warts persisted. The derm recommended localized chemo injections. I declined. I tried banana peels, duct tape, potato... you name it. Then I discovered online - apple cider vinegar kills warts. So I tried it. Soaked a cotton ball, put it on with bandage, changed every 24 hours. In about 3 weeks all the warts were gone. Just a warning, although this didn't happen to my friend, it burned like HELL for about 3 days. Not just burned, but throbbed from my foot to my knee, and my finger to my wrist. Ow! - But yes, apple cider vinegar killed the shit out of the warts. My son had a stubborn one on his face - that eggplant managed to get down a little, but not all the way. Apple cider vinegar-ed it for about 10 days - gone.
ACV for ovarian cysts - now this is something I just starting. I've been having intense, waxing and waning, chronic pain in my right side. An ultrasound today revealed a "dominant follicle." I am following up with a gyne next week to further discuss. But, my understanding is that it is a type of cyst. Needless to say - I have been, over the last several days, drinking 1 tblspn of ACV in water 3-4 times a day - and as crazy as it sounds it's actually reduced the pain. I'm hoping that it helps completely resolve it. But in the meantime, having some pain relief is a welcomed respite. - Probiotics - I'm not that old, but old enough to have some joint pain. Mainly in my elbows, wrists - probably from computer working. If I take 1 packet of VSL a day for about 5-10 days the pain will disappear. I do this as needed. Rock on - very expensive, but well worth it
- Garlic Pills - Now, I would not have discovered this had I not had MRSA. And I must confess - for me the garlic pills did not attack the MRSA - not even the super expensive Allicin. But what I noticed while on the garlic pills was that my digestion improved. I still continue digestive enzymes - but I found that I can now skip digestive enzymes and digest food without them. Which for me is huge. At my high point - I was taking 2 garlique pills with each meal.
- DMSO - Prior to receiving my the Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang and vitamin C, I used one last doxycycline dissolved in a tiny amount of DMSO to eradicate a budding boil on my face. 3 days of saturating the boil in the making with the mixture - and it was gone. Way less meds than orally - although without the systemic effects.
- Vitamin C - I really can't sing the praises of vitamin C enough. We do use the lypospheric stuff around my home - for now - until I can squeeze enough time from my already stretched schedule to make our own encapsulated vit C in an ultrasonic cleaner. But for now we have used it to clear a nasty flu, nasal congestion, asthma cough, and keep bacteria at bay. Although I am breakout free, I will get little pimples occasionally on my nose if I skip lypo C for a couple days - I suspect these to be MRSA. 1 gram of lypo C a day keeps me breakout free. I am contemplating experimenting with upping my dose to 2-4 grams daily for a week or so and then cutting it off to see if I can just knock the MRSA out of me totally. But I have not yet done so.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
How we are reducing IGE levels
Now I have read a lot of articles and studies on how IGE levels have been reduced. Just some of the things I've found that have been documented in scientific studies to reduce IGE levels are:
whey (30% decrease in a month)
deep sea water (vague, but interesting)
sodium ascorbate 1 gram daily (initially dropped IGE levels, fluctuated, then rose slightly over initial levels)
spirulina (there is a study on the internet - but it's published mainly on producer's website.)
raw dairy
camel milk (watch Dr Michael Mandl session - I believe that is where IGE levels are discussed)
herbs (there are varying studies and stories - from Ayurveda through Traditional Chinese Medicine). Here is an interesting article covering several TCM herbal mixtures.
deep needle acupuncture (searching for article I read awhile ago)
So, as I posted earlier, we saw our allergist a couple weeks back. Since then the blood results came in and my son's IGE levels have declined from 1722 to 1059 - a 36% decrease since our last blood draw 6 months prior. This is the first such a drop to date without steroids. His levels dropped somewhat about 2 years ago - but this was following 2 doses of steroids (1 injection for a failed food challenge and 1 oral for an asthma attack). So we are definitely moving in the right direction with our present protocol. We will retest in 6 months and hope to see the healing trend continue.
If you've found studies/ideas/suggestions for reducing IGE levels please post.
whey (30% decrease in a month)
deep sea water (vague, but interesting)
sodium ascorbate 1 gram daily (initially dropped IGE levels, fluctuated, then rose slightly over initial levels)
spirulina (there is a study on the internet - but it's published mainly on producer's website.)
raw dairy
camel milk (watch Dr Michael Mandl session - I believe that is where IGE levels are discussed)
herbs (there are varying studies and stories - from Ayurveda through Traditional Chinese Medicine). Here is an interesting article covering several TCM herbal mixtures.
deep needle acupuncture (searching for article I read awhile ago)
So, as I posted earlier, we saw our allergist a couple weeks back. Since then the blood results came in and my son's IGE levels have declined from 1722 to 1059 - a 36% decrease since our last blood draw 6 months prior. This is the first such a drop to date without steroids. His levels dropped somewhat about 2 years ago - but this was following 2 doses of steroids (1 injection for a failed food challenge and 1 oral for an asthma attack). So we are definitely moving in the right direction with our present protocol. We will retest in 6 months and hope to see the healing trend continue.
If you've found studies/ideas/suggestions for reducing IGE levels please post.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Food allergy herb, lypospheric C, camel milk and the allergist
So last Tuesday we went to see the allergist - my son was given a lung function test as part of the visit. According to the test his lung function is well within normal range. The allergist looked up his nose - and said it all looks great. She encouraged us to halve our - already small dose of flovent (44mcg 1 puff 2x a day). So we are experimenting.
My son's weight also jumped - up to this point, he has been teetering from below 25 percentile to under 50. But this last weight measurement puts us at the 56 percentile - up from 25 percentile 6 months ago. Yay - camel milk.
This is him - about 3 months ago sitting on the counter scrapping every ounce of camel milk ice cream he could - from the ice cream maker.
Our current protocol - that we do every day
Food allergy herb - 6 capsules 2x a day
1 gram of lypo C right after waking up and 15 minutes before breakfast (If he coughs or seems otherwise congested - I will give him a second gram of lypo C before bed)
1-1.5 pints of camel milk
I give - without regularity -
vitamin D drops
cod liver oil
magnesium (which actually I need to make a point to give daily)
quercetin/bromelain mix
Our western medical protocol -
1 - sometimes 2 - puffs of flovent 44mcg/daily
albuterol as needed
and of course our epi bag with benedryl and epi's in it for emergency
We are waiting on blood results from our visit to allergist last week. I'm not a praying type of person - but I have been pleadingly putting out requests to universe last week or so for healthy and normal results.
On a note about myself - MRSA on face is totally gone. I continue 1 gram of lypo C for myself daily. I do notice if I stop the C that the itching returns within about a day or 2. I am not sure if I am just keeping it at a sub-symptomatic level. I might need to give a round of 1-2 weeks of larger doses... maybe in the 3-4 gram range and then discontinue briefly and see if itching returns. But at least I am no longer covered in red pimples, patches, or pustules. In fact, my brother commented recently "wow how did you get rid of that MRSA? Your face looks like you never had anything."
My son too has continued to have periodic bouts of the impetigo. I am going to speak to the TCM doc this month. I have not really given him more than 2 grams of lypo C since that flu in March - even though when I called the company that mentioned that doctor Levy recommends a maximum dosage of 1 gram per year over 1 that the child is. So technically, my son could go to 5 grams. And if you figure that his body is using some of the C as antihistamine - Maybe this would totally knock this bacteria out of our lives. I have not yet tried.
My son's weight also jumped - up to this point, he has been teetering from below 25 percentile to under 50. But this last weight measurement puts us at the 56 percentile - up from 25 percentile 6 months ago. Yay - camel milk.
This is him - about 3 months ago sitting on the counter scrapping every ounce of camel milk ice cream he could - from the ice cream maker.
Our current protocol - that we do every day
Food allergy herb - 6 capsules 2x a day
1 gram of lypo C right after waking up and 15 minutes before breakfast (If he coughs or seems otherwise congested - I will give him a second gram of lypo C before bed)
1-1.5 pints of camel milk
I give - without regularity -
vitamin D drops
cod liver oil
magnesium (which actually I need to make a point to give daily)
quercetin/bromelain mix
Our western medical protocol -
1 - sometimes 2 - puffs of flovent 44mcg/daily
albuterol as needed
and of course our epi bag with benedryl and epi's in it for emergency
We are waiting on blood results from our visit to allergist last week. I'm not a praying type of person - but I have been pleadingly putting out requests to universe last week or so for healthy and normal results.
On a note about myself - MRSA on face is totally gone. I continue 1 gram of lypo C for myself daily. I do notice if I stop the C that the itching returns within about a day or 2. I am not sure if I am just keeping it at a sub-symptomatic level. I might need to give a round of 1-2 weeks of larger doses... maybe in the 3-4 gram range and then discontinue briefly and see if itching returns. But at least I am no longer covered in red pimples, patches, or pustules. In fact, my brother commented recently "wow how did you get rid of that MRSA? Your face looks like you never had anything."
My son too has continued to have periodic bouts of the impetigo. I am going to speak to the TCM doc this month. I have not really given him more than 2 grams of lypo C since that flu in March - even though when I called the company that mentioned that doctor Levy recommends a maximum dosage of 1 gram per year over 1 that the child is. So technically, my son could go to 5 grams. And if you figure that his body is using some of the C as antihistamine - Maybe this would totally knock this bacteria out of our lives. I have not yet tried.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Summing up what worked for MRSA for me
It is now several months later - nearly June. My experience with MRSA first began within days after a surgery - last May - as a soft, not painful boil that never came to a head. In fact, I thought it was a sebaceous cyst. When it ruptured months later, within days - I had several boils on face and red skin - cellulitis.
Now my face is generally clear. If I eat avocado for some reason, I will get a pimple. I am concerned that these are still the MRSA because they take weeks if not months to completely resolve and the skin is painful to the touch.
Presently, I have some little pimples and red spots on my nose - this seems to be the last problem area. Makes me think that my nose is colonized with MRSA. But again, this is self diagnosis. I am keeping them at bay and getting rid of them very slowly with blue cream (TCM) and face paste (TCM). I am also taking 1 gram of sodium ascorbate a day. The itchiness on my face has pretty much disappeared. I may increase vitamin C and see if that knocks it out completely.
Other than that - I have discontinued BZYQT and Acne tea herb capsules.
In hindsight - I think that for me the most helpful things were:
Vitamin C
Chinese herbs - capsules and topical preparations.
The Allimed for me did not work - it is possible that I did not take enough for long enough. But I did take what was recommended for about 14 days without any significant improvements. Garlic caps did improve my digestion though - but now I've been taking garlicnase with same success.
Tumeric - also did not work - even though I took recommended large doses.
Both of these things have worked for others. We're all different.
Now my face is generally clear. If I eat avocado for some reason, I will get a pimple. I am concerned that these are still the MRSA because they take weeks if not months to completely resolve and the skin is painful to the touch.
Presently, I have some little pimples and red spots on my nose - this seems to be the last problem area. Makes me think that my nose is colonized with MRSA. But again, this is self diagnosis. I am keeping them at bay and getting rid of them very slowly with blue cream (TCM) and face paste (TCM). I am also taking 1 gram of sodium ascorbate a day. The itchiness on my face has pretty much disappeared. I may increase vitamin C and see if that knocks it out completely.
Other than that - I have discontinued BZYQT and Acne tea herb capsules.
In hindsight - I think that for me the most helpful things were:
Vitamin C
Chinese herbs - capsules and topical preparations.
The Allimed for me did not work - it is possible that I did not take enough for long enough. But I did take what was recommended for about 14 days without any significant improvements. Garlic caps did improve my digestion though - but now I've been taking garlicnase with same success.
Tumeric - also did not work - even though I took recommended large doses.
Both of these things have worked for others. We're all different.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
About Me About US
I am not a scientist or doctor - just a layperson on a healing journey. All modalities have something to add and in my opinion locking onto one only can be downright dangerous and just plain stupid. I want to use this blog to share thoughts on research, healing modalities, stories of healing, and insights. While I am interested in scientific and clinical studies I recognize a couple things -
1 - I am not a scientist and so - I may not get the full depth of the study.
2 - Studies can be skewed, and unless you are a scientist and privy to the full study methodologies and compliance rates and other such details - it can be nearly impossible to discern the validity.
3 - Ultimately, we are all anecdotes. And therefore, our healing process will be as universal and yet individual as our circumstances and make-up.
4 - In the recent past, I would completely dismiss airyfairy sounding things like energy healing up through accupuncture. I just didn't see how a couple needles, or someone laying hands on someone, or whatever - could make a difference. But then I read studies from everything from drumming raising immune function and cytokine levels to accupuncture delivering quantifiable immuno-modulating results. So now - I am much more open, although still suspicious (additionally see 1-3).
1 - I am not a scientist and so - I may not get the full depth of the study.
2 - Studies can be skewed, and unless you are a scientist and privy to the full study methodologies and compliance rates and other such details - it can be nearly impossible to discern the validity.
3 - Ultimately, we are all anecdotes. And therefore, our healing process will be as universal and yet individual as our circumstances and make-up.
4 - In the recent past, I would completely dismiss airyfairy sounding things like energy healing up through accupuncture. I just didn't see how a couple needles, or someone laying hands on someone, or whatever - could make a difference. But then I read studies from everything from drumming raising immune function and cytokine levels to accupuncture delivering quantifiable immuno-modulating results. So now - I am much more open, although still suspicious (additionally see 1-3).
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Our vitamin C asthma and allegy protocol
I am writing this post to respond to a comment to a previous post on vitamin C megadosing. Blogger has not allowed me to reply - so while I am figuring that out I wanted to share update and answer question as to what we are using.
This time last year and the year prior my son was on flovent, flonase, and max dose zyrtec to keep the allergy symptoms at bay. His nose was so stuffed that it was completely blocked without the flonase (nasal steroids). This year so far he is on:
AM 15 minutes prior to breakfast - 1 gram of lypospheric vitamin C mixed in about 1 ounce of water/apple juice mix.
Then with lunch or after school through dinner - I take the large capsules of acorbic acid (Thorne with bioflavanoids) and pour into smaller capsules so he can swallow - about 1-2 grams more of vitamin C in approx 250 mg doses about 20 or so minutes apart.
Before bed he takes 1 gram of lypospheric again.
Also, huge shout out to - crystalchild - because it was her blog that turned me onto camel milk. My son also drinks between 150-300 ml of camel milk a day. So these things together have given him pretty clear sinuses and such. I don't necessarily let him play aggressively outside when pollen levels are high - but it has enabled us to drop flonase and zyrtec. We continue flovent.
I am exploring making our own lypospheric vitamin C with ascorbic acid. I have read that sodium ascorbate (which is supposedly the most bioavailable) is not the best for long term use. But that is work in progress.
My response to Janice's question - is here - MRSA and Vitamin C
This time last year and the year prior my son was on flovent, flonase, and max dose zyrtec to keep the allergy symptoms at bay. His nose was so stuffed that it was completely blocked without the flonase (nasal steroids). This year so far he is on:
AM 15 minutes prior to breakfast - 1 gram of lypospheric vitamin C mixed in about 1 ounce of water/apple juice mix.
Then with lunch or after school through dinner - I take the large capsules of acorbic acid (Thorne with bioflavanoids) and pour into smaller capsules so he can swallow - about 1-2 grams more of vitamin C in approx 250 mg doses about 20 or so minutes apart.
Before bed he takes 1 gram of lypospheric again.
Also, huge shout out to - crystalchild - because it was her blog that turned me onto camel milk. My son also drinks between 150-300 ml of camel milk a day. So these things together have given him pretty clear sinuses and such. I don't necessarily let him play aggressively outside when pollen levels are high - but it has enabled us to drop flonase and zyrtec. We continue flovent.
I am exploring making our own lypospheric vitamin C with ascorbic acid. I have read that sodium ascorbate (which is supposedly the most bioavailable) is not the best for long term use. But that is work in progress.
My response to Janice's question - is here - MRSA and Vitamin C
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Mega dosing vitamin C, the flu, asthma, and allergies
So the last week and a half were crazy. My son picked up a flu at school or somewhere - it was a 7 day fever. We went to doctor at the beginning of it to make sure that his lungs were clear of any asthma issue - she checked for strept and said it was just a flu. Well after about 5 days of fever hovering around 100.5 to 101 - it broke on Friday-ish. Bear in mind, I don't give (for the most part) tylenol or any other fever suppressor - for a variety of reasons... not wanting to block his body doing healing work, asthma incidence and severity linked to tylenol usage...
Saturday during the day, his cough was really robust and frequent, then in the night the fever made a reappearance at 102.5. My son slept through a family gathering (only happens with higher fever). I was in a panic somewhat. Because the fever broke and reappeared - along with the present throughout robust rich cough - I was worried.
I decided to try megadosing vitamin C.
I gave him small amounts (starting at about 1am Sunday morning) and building to 1gram doses that totalled around 5-6 grams for the day on Sunday. Throughout the day his energy rose and the cough grew less frequent although robust. Fever back hovering between normal to 100.5 for the day. We continued albuteral - as directed by doc previously every 4-6 hours. Also, I continued dosing the vitamin C - combo of ascorbic acid alternating with sodium ascorbate. I buffered the ascorbic acid with a small dose of calcium. He did not have any loose stools that would indicate that he was reaching bowel tolerance.
Monday temperature back down to normal finally. The cough less frequent even still, and a bit less robust. (continued dosing vitamin C - 5 grams.
Tuesday temperature normal - vitamin C - 5 grams (spread out of course throughout the day). Cough less frequent, less robust. We went for a walk because it was so nice outside and ran into another classmate of his. The classmate (David) had also missed as much school with a 7-8 day fever (his had apparently spiked to 104 and he had gotten a bloody nose his mother said). David was on antibiotics. His mother had given tylenol throughout to break the fever. David also was diagnosed with a flu - but on Saturday was given antibiotics (not because of any diagnosis the mother said, but because the doctor could already tell that she was very very anxious over this flu. I confirmed with her - no strep diagnosis, no sinus or chest infection - just the lingering flu and thus antibiotics). I am not trying to criticize only to draw out an interesting thing - all mothers panic. I too panic and run to the doctor. Shit, I just panic. I panicked Saturday night - and vitamin C was my plan of action. But I have had enough infection now to know that antibiotics are not the panacea that I thought they were when I was younger. And hence, I want options. I want to know that I basically have a plan that can work if western medicine fails me - and it has. Not that there isn't much to value in western medicine, but all good things in their own place, time, and moderation.
Wednesday - back in school - first time in about 10 days. 3 grams of vitamin C
Thursday - 1 gram of vitamin C before school - I plan on giving at least 2 more over course of time between school day finish and bed time.
I post this story because there are a couple of things that I find interesting.
With increased vitamin C
1 - my son's cough has slowly subsided. We are moving towards healing after a really hard flu
2 - his nasal congestion due to pollen levels - too has subsided. In fact, I called doctor on Friday requesting a refill for last year's nasal steroids out of sheer desperation. We are on TCM herbs - but still the nasal congestion was so severe (clear discharge) since pollen blossomed about 2 weeks ago - that at least 1 nostril was completely closed at all times. I also thought that was what contributed to the really robust cough he was having - although the Saturday night's fever clouds my original thoughts. But at this point - the nasal congestion is present, but nothing too severe - like he can breath through his nose in the day and night.
3 - I wonder if with the increased vitamin C we can make it through pollen season on flovent (inhaled steroids) and zyrtec (anti-histamine) alone. And of course TCM herbs.
It's just interesting and got me curious about scurvy and vitamin C. And when I read about levels of ascorbic acid are necessary for the body - I just wonder if one of the keys in this lock of food allergy and asthma isn't - for lack of better term - "sub-clinical scurvy." The turn around that I witnessed on Sunday - really the cough and the fever actually getting down to normal for some part of the day - and then my son actually playing later in the day - was really miraculous. And the only thing we were doing was vitamin C - I didn't get any TCM herbs in him at all.
There are articles and science behind using vitamin C for asthma attacks. Not that I would suggest that - an asthma attack is an instance in my book that warrants the Emergency Room. But, using vitamin C to prevent an asthma attack - that is something I can get behind.
Saturday during the day, his cough was really robust and frequent, then in the night the fever made a reappearance at 102.5. My son slept through a family gathering (only happens with higher fever). I was in a panic somewhat. Because the fever broke and reappeared - along with the present throughout robust rich cough - I was worried.
I decided to try megadosing vitamin C.
I gave him small amounts (starting at about 1am Sunday morning) and building to 1gram doses that totalled around 5-6 grams for the day on Sunday. Throughout the day his energy rose and the cough grew less frequent although robust. Fever back hovering between normal to 100.5 for the day. We continued albuteral - as directed by doc previously every 4-6 hours. Also, I continued dosing the vitamin C - combo of ascorbic acid alternating with sodium ascorbate. I buffered the ascorbic acid with a small dose of calcium. He did not have any loose stools that would indicate that he was reaching bowel tolerance.
Monday temperature back down to normal finally. The cough less frequent even still, and a bit less robust. (continued dosing vitamin C - 5 grams.
Tuesday temperature normal - vitamin C - 5 grams (spread out of course throughout the day). Cough less frequent, less robust. We went for a walk because it was so nice outside and ran into another classmate of his. The classmate (David) had also missed as much school with a 7-8 day fever (his had apparently spiked to 104 and he had gotten a bloody nose his mother said). David was on antibiotics. His mother had given tylenol throughout to break the fever. David also was diagnosed with a flu - but on Saturday was given antibiotics (not because of any diagnosis the mother said, but because the doctor could already tell that she was very very anxious over this flu. I confirmed with her - no strep diagnosis, no sinus or chest infection - just the lingering flu and thus antibiotics). I am not trying to criticize only to draw out an interesting thing - all mothers panic. I too panic and run to the doctor. Shit, I just panic. I panicked Saturday night - and vitamin C was my plan of action. But I have had enough infection now to know that antibiotics are not the panacea that I thought they were when I was younger. And hence, I want options. I want to know that I basically have a plan that can work if western medicine fails me - and it has. Not that there isn't much to value in western medicine, but all good things in their own place, time, and moderation.
Wednesday - back in school - first time in about 10 days. 3 grams of vitamin C
Thursday - 1 gram of vitamin C before school - I plan on giving at least 2 more over course of time between school day finish and bed time.
I post this story because there are a couple of things that I find interesting.
With increased vitamin C
1 - my son's cough has slowly subsided. We are moving towards healing after a really hard flu
2 - his nasal congestion due to pollen levels - too has subsided. In fact, I called doctor on Friday requesting a refill for last year's nasal steroids out of sheer desperation. We are on TCM herbs - but still the nasal congestion was so severe (clear discharge) since pollen blossomed about 2 weeks ago - that at least 1 nostril was completely closed at all times. I also thought that was what contributed to the really robust cough he was having - although the Saturday night's fever clouds my original thoughts. But at this point - the nasal congestion is present, but nothing too severe - like he can breath through his nose in the day and night.
3 - I wonder if with the increased vitamin C we can make it through pollen season on flovent (inhaled steroids) and zyrtec (anti-histamine) alone. And of course TCM herbs.
It's just interesting and got me curious about scurvy and vitamin C. And when I read about levels of ascorbic acid are necessary for the body - I just wonder if one of the keys in this lock of food allergy and asthma isn't - for lack of better term - "sub-clinical scurvy." The turn around that I witnessed on Sunday - really the cough and the fever actually getting down to normal for some part of the day - and then my son actually playing later in the day - was really miraculous. And the only thing we were doing was vitamin C - I didn't get any TCM herbs in him at all.
There are articles and science behind using vitamin C for asthma attacks. Not that I would suggest that - an asthma attack is an instance in my book that warrants the Emergency Room. But, using vitamin C to prevent an asthma attack - that is something I can get behind.
Rosacea? MRSA update -
I wanted to post updates. My face is MUCH better. Much better. In fact people who have seen me over the last months have commented on how my face is a MILLION times better.
I've got a series of photos below:
August (2 months post surgery and post appearance of what I thought was a sebaceous cyst). In this time, the "cyst" burst and spread infection across my face. Shortly after this, I was given augmentin by GP. Then I took it upon myself to see a dermatologist who tested and confirmed her suspicions of MRSA. I was then put on clindamycin.
I was putting all sorts of things to "speed recovery" some of which only burned my face: iodine, garlic, creams... This is October where I decided (not doctors) that I needed to see infectious doctor. It also - while on clindamycin - spread to the left side of my face. The ID prescribed doxycycline. I spent 14 days on doxy.
Here you can see the left side of my face was also affected at this point. There were also more pustules starting to form. This point is still somewhere in the round of doxycycline. But even after doxy, I was left with pretty much what you see minus the pustules.
Around, November I went to see another dermatologist who diagnosed me with Rosacea. I asked - MRSA caused? She did not know because there was nothing to sample - only really red bumpy skin. She sent me home with more doxy with a recommend that I return and plan on spending 3 months at least on doxy. At this point I ended up spending approximately 6 weeks on doxy and about a week or so on augmentin and clyndaycin. I was also somewhat fed up with the prognosis of a 50% chance of reoccurance. I was trying colloidal silver, garlic, tumeric, Phenomenal... with no results.
And in December I experienced a reoccurance - but this time on the bridge of my nose (new place on face). Also you can see the redness remains with budding little pimples/pustules.
I burned it with iodine (which you can see), and then even worst out of sheer desperation - bleach. Totally stupid. I would not do that again. Also, I tried DMSO with one final capsule of doxy (which literally cleared up pustules in 2-3 days, but didn't control new ones).
In January - I began TCM - Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang, an acne formula, an herbal paste, and a cream.
Her my face is today.
Current protocol (not totally regular - and I can then feel an itch re-emerge or a new little blemish appear). But for the most part my face is good. I plan on sticking better to protocol - to completely rid face and then be able to be pill free.
1 - 10 Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang and 5 Acne caps 2x a day. Herbal paste and blue herbal cream daily
2 - I notice if I take 1-2 grams of lypo-spheric vitamin C
it is huge boost to face
3 - I also notice if I drink at least 8 oz of fresh carrot juice - again huge boost
4 - Avocado seems to cause blemishes to appear. So guac - is always followed by new blemishes or small pustules. Less and less - so I use it as a monthly test to see my own progress. Eat guac and see what next day or two brings - helps me gauge level of how my body is doing.
BZYQT is made up of White atractylodes rhizome, bupleurum root, tangerine peel, jujube fruit, chinese angelica root, liquorice root, dried ginger root, astragalus root, ginseng root, cimicifuga rhizome.
Acne Tea is made up of hedyotis herb, patrinia herb, phiopogon root, rehmannia root, and scrophularia root. Both of these were made into capsules by my TCM.
The topical cream and herbal paste - I do not know what is in them. They only say cream and paste.
My TCM is in New York. If you want her contact info - I can email it to you - please email me at
Additionally, and of profound help I was taking 1-2 grams of lypo-C .
And most recently, which seems to have finally cleared up any small remaining blemish issues has been the addition of probiotics - specifically 4 adult scoops of the 6 strain probiotic.
I also routinely - couple times a week - apply aloe to my face. I have some plants that I open up leaves from and slather on before bed. So it's not from a bottle or anything like that.
I can now, over 2 years later eat avocado without blemishes.
I've got a series of photos below:
August (2 months post surgery and post appearance of what I thought was a sebaceous cyst). In this time, the "cyst" burst and spread infection across my face. Shortly after this, I was given augmentin by GP. Then I took it upon myself to see a dermatologist who tested and confirmed her suspicions of MRSA. I was then put on clindamycin.
I was putting all sorts of things to "speed recovery" some of which only burned my face: iodine, garlic, creams... This is October where I decided (not doctors) that I needed to see infectious doctor. It also - while on clindamycin - spread to the left side of my face. The ID prescribed doxycycline. I spent 14 days on doxy.
Here you can see the left side of my face was also affected at this point. There were also more pustules starting to form. This point is still somewhere in the round of doxycycline. But even after doxy, I was left with pretty much what you see minus the pustules.
Around, November I went to see another dermatologist who diagnosed me with Rosacea. I asked - MRSA caused? She did not know because there was nothing to sample - only really red bumpy skin. She sent me home with more doxy with a recommend that I return and plan on spending 3 months at least on doxy. At this point I ended up spending approximately 6 weeks on doxy and about a week or so on augmentin and clyndaycin. I was also somewhat fed up with the prognosis of a 50% chance of reoccurance. I was trying colloidal silver, garlic, tumeric, Phenomenal... with no results.
And in December I experienced a reoccurance - but this time on the bridge of my nose (new place on face). Also you can see the redness remains with budding little pimples/pustules.
In January - I began TCM - Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang, an acne formula, an herbal paste, and a cream.
Her my face is today.
Current protocol (not totally regular - and I can then feel an itch re-emerge or a new little blemish appear). But for the most part my face is good. I plan on sticking better to protocol - to completely rid face and then be able to be pill free.
1 - 10 Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang and 5 Acne caps 2x a day. Herbal paste and blue herbal cream daily
2 - I notice if I take 1-2 grams of lypo-spheric vitamin C
3 - I also notice if I drink at least 8 oz of fresh carrot juice - again huge boost
4 - Avocado seems to cause blemishes to appear. So guac - is always followed by new blemishes or small pustules. Less and less - so I use it as a monthly test to see my own progress. Eat guac and see what next day or two brings - helps me gauge level of how my body is doing.
Update as of August 22, 2014 - and response to comment below:
I am no longer on the TCM protocol. While on the protocol I was taking Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang and Acne Tea.
BZYQT is made up of White atractylodes rhizome, bupleurum root, tangerine peel, jujube fruit, chinese angelica root, liquorice root, dried ginger root, astragalus root, ginseng root, cimicifuga rhizome.
Acne Tea is made up of hedyotis herb, patrinia herb, phiopogon root, rehmannia root, and scrophularia root. Both of these were made into capsules by my TCM.
The topical cream and herbal paste - I do not know what is in them. They only say cream and paste.
My TCM is in New York. If you want her contact info - I can email it to you - please email me at
Additionally, and of profound help I was taking 1-2 grams of lypo-C .
And most recently, which seems to have finally cleared up any small remaining blemish issues has been the addition of probiotics - specifically 4 adult scoops of the 6 strain probiotic.
I also routinely - couple times a week - apply aloe to my face. I have some plants that I open up leaves from and slather on before bed. So it's not from a bottle or anything like that.
I can now, over 2 years later eat avocado without blemishes.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Face Status and Protocol
So my face is soooo much better. I actually was a bit panicked because I had to travel last week to Arizona for work for 6 days and was really worried about having an outbreak there. But I didn't. In fact, while in AZ the itching went away. I even ate avocado, something in hindsight I feel has exacerbated and even triggered outbreaks - and remained clean faced.
My son has another little gathering of pimples on his face near mouth and nose - he may be fighting cold. He is on a smaller dose of the TCM herbs - but herbalist suggested I bump him up on the BZYQT. He also is not on the vitamin C that I am taking, nor is he on the carrot juice. I am considering introducing both, but we have been on an introduction for some other foods, so I am hesitant to do everything at once. Plus it seems like he is taking lots of pills - herbs, vitamins - so I am a little reticent to up the herbs. We'll see how things are tomorrow, I may just start some carrot juice with him slowly and see if that helps.
Here is my current protocol
10 capsules of Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang - in morning and night
5 capsules of Acne Tea
Washing face morning and night with Neutrogena Acne Face Cream Wash
Using TCM paste on face after shower at night
TCM Blue Cream on face before bed
1-2 grams of vitamin C
8-16 oz of fresh carrot juice
When I returned home, I noticed the itching starting to return - despite the above protocol sans the carrot juice. Today when I added carrot juice back in - the itching was way down as well. It may be the vitamin A.
Here is what my face looks like today.
My son has another little gathering of pimples on his face near mouth and nose - he may be fighting cold. He is on a smaller dose of the TCM herbs - but herbalist suggested I bump him up on the BZYQT. He also is not on the vitamin C that I am taking, nor is he on the carrot juice. I am considering introducing both, but we have been on an introduction for some other foods, so I am hesitant to do everything at once. Plus it seems like he is taking lots of pills - herbs, vitamins - so I am a little reticent to up the herbs. We'll see how things are tomorrow, I may just start some carrot juice with him slowly and see if that helps.
Here is my current protocol
10 capsules of Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang - in morning and night
5 capsules of Acne Tea
Washing face morning and night with Neutrogena Acne Face Cream Wash
Using TCM paste on face after shower at night
TCM Blue Cream on face before bed
1-2 grams of vitamin C
8-16 oz of fresh carrot juice
When I returned home, I noticed the itching starting to return - despite the above protocol sans the carrot juice. Today when I added carrot juice back in - the itching was way down as well. It may be the vitamin A.
Here is what my face looks like today.
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Face Center |
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Face Left |
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Face Right |
Monday, January 16, 2012
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang and MRSA
I am on day 2 of Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang. I have for the last week - after running out of the final doxycycline tablet - been using a TCM paste for my face after shower along with an amazingly staining blue herbal cream. My face is looking the best it has looked in six months. The paste and cream combo have cleared the redness and squash pimples better than any cream I have ever been given by an allopathic doctor. I am excited to see how the Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang works. I take 10 capsules 2 x a day along with 5 caps of an herbal remedy called "Acne." My son is taking 1 capsule of the Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang. I will begin introducing the "Acne" capsule in the next week or so as well.
Just for reference, I'm including a photo of my face taken on Sept 6, 2011. This was when it was in the throws of MRSA infection. I was on antibiotics, putting iodine on my face - everything I could think of. 
At this point, the pustules were drained, but the redness was the big thing - the spreading redness that nearly engulfed my face. This image is from nearly 5 months ago. Even after antibiotics the redness remained. I was - as I've stated - referred to a dermatologist who diagnosed me with Rosacea. Whether or not she could definitively say the Rosacea was MRSA caused - I knew it was because I had never hand anything like this prior to the MRSA I got after my ankle surgery.
I am so happy to be getting my normal face back. I am very excited to see what the Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang does internally to speed up my healing - I pray.
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Redness of Rosacea caused by MRSA down significantly |
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This is the left side of my face, which after antibiotics was still red, but now down significantly. Also, the itchiness is diminished. |
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Left side of my face - so much better also. |

At this point, the pustules were drained, but the redness was the big thing - the spreading redness that nearly engulfed my face. This image is from nearly 5 months ago. Even after antibiotics the redness remained. I was - as I've stated - referred to a dermatologist who diagnosed me with Rosacea. Whether or not she could definitively say the Rosacea was MRSA caused - I knew it was because I had never hand anything like this prior to the MRSA I got after my ankle surgery.
I am so happy to be getting my normal face back. I am very excited to see what the Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang does internally to speed up my healing - I pray.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
DMSO and Doxycycline, MRSA? Continued AND Arrival of Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
I have to say, within 2 days of 1x time a day application of the dmso and doxycycline mixture, the redness is down to the point of 2 weeks of oral antibiotics. I did not photograph this - regrettably. But the results are nothing short of amazing. Things I've learned -
1 - I view my body as an experiement
2 - I tend to be unsatisfied with most answers I get from the medical establishment
3 - Finding a pure and reputable form of DMSO is paramount
4 - glass, glass, glass - bottles
5 - this is by no means a cure because another blemish has popped up elsewhere
In the meantime, my order of BU Zhong Yi Qi Tang has arrived along with some Acne Tea herb - both from my TCM practitioner. Let's just say this month's invoice for herbs will be steep.
But I am excited with the arrival of the herbs. My son's face has been totally clear for about 2 weeks. He has a small blemish. We will apply paste at shower time today and I've started him on 1/2 cap BZYQT tea - will build to 2 - according to the TCM doc. I have not been given dosage yet - she is awaiting my doing a blood test to check liver, kidney, and CBC prior to giving me dosage. Her concern is that the 6 weeks of antibiotics is taxing on the body.
1 - I view my body as an experiement
2 - I tend to be unsatisfied with most answers I get from the medical establishment
3 - Finding a pure and reputable form of DMSO is paramount
4 - glass, glass, glass - bottles
5 - this is by no means a cure because another blemish has popped up elsewhere
In the meantime, my order of BU Zhong Yi Qi Tang has arrived along with some Acne Tea herb - both from my TCM practitioner. Let's just say this month's invoice for herbs will be steep.
But I am excited with the arrival of the herbs. My son's face has been totally clear for about 2 weeks. He has a small blemish. We will apply paste at shower time today and I've started him on 1/2 cap BZYQT tea - will build to 2 - according to the TCM doc. I have not been given dosage yet - she is awaiting my doing a blood test to check liver, kidney, and CBC prior to giving me dosage. Her concern is that the 6 weeks of antibiotics is taxing on the body.
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